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Thread: Mirtazapine advice please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Mirtazapine advice please

    I have been on mirtazapine since august, I've had a bit of a setback so we increased my dose to 45mg approx 15 days ago and added in quetiapine aswell. Now call me impatient but shouldn't I be feeling less suicidal and more positive by now? Erm advice please?

    P.s - I have had tonsilitus a week ago which seems to have upset things to be honest but don't know if that could impact my recovery?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Mirtazapine advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjammin69 View Post
    I have been on mirtazapine since august, I've had a bit of a setback so we increased my dose to 45mg approx 15 days ago and added in quetiapine aswell. Now call me impatient but shouldn't I be feeling less suicidal and more positive by now?
    Probably, but the improvement would be mostly coming from the quetiapine, not the mirtazapine. Maybe the quetiapine dose needs to be raised.

    P.s - I have had tonsilitus a week ago which seems to have upset things to be honest but don't know if that could impact my recovery?
    An immune system in overdrive can trigger or worsen anxiety and depression. People on immune system boosting meds like interferon are now often also prescribed a SSRI because of this. Immune system proteins can also reduce the effectiveness of antidepressants. In several respects, anxiety and depression are immune system disorders.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Mirtazapine advice please

    Hi Benjammin

    Sorry to hear you're having a rough time, finding the right treatment is one of the more frustrating aspects of mental health since everyone reacts differently.

    I don't have any experience with quetiapine so I can't really offer any advice on that particular medication. However, I have been on Mirtazapine for around 9 months now and have a little bit of experience with it.

    Please bear in mind that I can only offer my own experiences with it and in no way am I suggesting that it's bad or useless or anything like that, there are many people here that have had great success with Mirtazapine.

    Sadly, I don't seem to be one of those people. Mirtazapine hasn't touched my anxiety and it doesn't seem to be doing much for my depression either. I will say that it has helped with my sleep pattern but it has also caused me to put on quite a lot of weight due to careless eating combined with increased appetite.

    Mirtazapine in my experience isn't the best anti-depressant for things like anxiety, intrusive thoughts and the like. It may help people who are depressed and aren't eating or sleeping but for people like me with crippling anxiety, it doesn't seem to have much effect.

    I can't really give much advice since I don't know anything about the other meds you're on, but I will say that infections like tonsillitis can wreck havoc on your body. I know when i'm recovering from something like that it takes me time to get back on my feet both physically and mentally.

    Give it a little more time but if you still feel the same way and don't think the medication is working, talk to your doctor or any professional that you see because they'll be in the best position to help!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Mirtazapine advice please

    Thanks people. I just keep thinking I wish I didn't start on mirtazapine back last year! I should have done some research and got on venlafaxine or summit. Never mind let's see what the 45 mirt and 100 quetiapine can do over the next few days.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Mirtazapine advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjammin69 View Post
    I should have done some research and got on venlafaxine
    Anything but venlafaxine!! Despite the SNRI label it is only a SSRI so has no advantages over them, is more prone to triggering seizures than most other antidepressants and then its biggest issue, many find it very difficult to discontinue. Sertraline would be a much better option, imho.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Mirtazapine advice please

    Don't discount venlafaxine. I was very wary when my dr prescribed it and it took me a good few days to pluck up the courage to take it but honestly it saved my life. I started on 75mg slow release once a day and upped the dose after a couple of months to 150mg. I had no start up effects other than a dry mouth and increased sweating for a few weeks and had no problem at all withdrawing. It seems to be more of a problem with the standard release tablets though. I took it for 2 years and had zero problems.
    Sadly after being medication free for a few months my anxiety was back with a vengeance and I seem to have built a tolerance to it so I'm back trying to find a med that suits me. Currently on 30mg mirt but struggling. Just waiting on appointment with psychiatrist so hopefully won't be long.

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