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Thread: Help my Hypo Brain Interpret This

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Help my Hypo Brain Interpret This

    I discovered a very hard (felt like bone) lump on the bone in my toe about 2 months ago. I went the to podiatrist the other day. He examined it, suspected ganglion cyst, went to drain it, and discovered it was a solid mass. He really poked and jammed the needle into my toe to get a specimen to send to pathology. He extracted a tiny little piece and I will get the results in 2 weeks. He also said, "I think I got it all because it feels smaller" then he injected it with cortisone.

    I was not really thrilled with the whole experience. He told me in his 34 years of podiatry, he has seen cancer like 3 times, and it was always melanoma. I don't fear that this thing is melanoma, but I also think he should have cooled down a little and settled for sending me on for better imaging or whatever they do with sarcoma. Of course, I have had a few moments about this, although I'm hanging in pretty well. I've been thinking cancer, big surprise, even though cancer in the toes is apparently really rare but DOES happen, both metastatic and primary. Then, I started worrying a bit that his jamming (I mean he was really furious with it) could have sent cancer off on its merry way if the mass was, indeed cancer)

    A few minutes ago, I just took the bandage off, and the mass is totally gone. Maybe he was right that he got whatever it was- although I don't see how that's possible since he had to really look for the chunk he got out and said the lab might not have enough to work with and the mass was pea sized by feel.

    So, on balance, I should stop thinking cancer right. I mean, getting a little tiny chunk out and injecting cortisone wouldn't make cancer disappear, correct?

    I mean, I know I need to check again to make sure it doesn't come would YOU feel about this thing as a hypochondriac who tries to keep HA in check.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Help my Hypo Brain Interpret This

    Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

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