(I likely should've posted this here, and I tried to delete my other message. Sorry!) Ok, so I've had acid reflux 3-4 years now, and I'm 25. My health anxiety went away for a while, but now it's back. When I sleep, it's hard, because I feel like throwing up. I also have hoarseness from coughing/hyperventilation. All I can think about is esophagus cancer like my uncle had. I did decide to not go through with an endoscopy which a GI prescribed (even though after being monitored for a week, he said I have IBS and /possible/ acid reflux, but he didn't think it was the latter.) He still never went to any worry that it was cancer, and neither did my regular doctor, and they're not even fully sure it's acid reflux it seems. Am I over-worrying in thinking it is cancer? Could it just be my obesity and acid reflux making me feel meh? Sometimes it's hard to swallow, and I just worry a lot. And the hospital took my concerns seriously, they just didn't think it was cancer. I did have a whole bunch of blood tests, tests, a CT scan, etc. after 12-13 visits to the hospital, in which they said I had anxiety when all tests came back clear. Should I just try and like, eat better and really stop worrying? Should I get a test and be honestly concerned that I have something crazy?

---------- Post added at 17:27 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ----------

As a note, he didn't think I absolutely needed the endoscopy, but he just couldn't find anything the matter with me. He had issued a colonoscopy too at the same time. The GI was confident in IBS because even with my symptoms, he said it just didn't line up with acid reflux, and more with IBS.