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Thread: Fluoxetine side effects - a message of hope II

  1. #1

    It can and does get better

    I am a long time viewer of NMP but a first time poster. I wanted to share my experiences for those who are who are going through the side effects of starting fluoxetine. This is my seventh month of fluox and I'm at 60mg. It has changed my life in a profound way and has been the 'circuit-breaker' that I searched for for 15 years of battling with anxiety and depression.

    A very tough year last year persuaded me that medication was something I should consider. I experienced pretty bad side effects, horrible sleep problems, depression and anxiety, OCD thoughts, appetite problems, headaches, thoughts of self-harm, there were days I couldn't even make it out of bed or even open the curtains. I even took some time off work. I am now feeling the best I have in years, I feel like I have got back me, the person who got lost in anxiety a decade and a half ago (I have had anxiety my entire life though).

    It is not a cure all and I know there are things I need to work on. I have been lucky to find such amazing support through my doctor and counselor and from my family and close friends. I encourage any of you who are experiencing a tough time to hang in there. I know it is tough and the side-effects are unbearable at times but medication can help immensely if they are given the time. For some people it takes longer and requires a higher dose. I needed to go for almost six months before I felt the full benefits. I know for many of you this is not the news that you want but truly, the adage it's always darkest before dawn has never been truer than in this sense.

    I found this forum to be one of the greatest sources of strength when I was at my lowest. I encourage people to reach out. If nothing else, read other posts on here, read blogs, get books, as there are those here who got through it. So many of us here have been through the side effects and understand exactly what it feels like. So many can also say that it does get better too if you keep going. I can eat three square meals a day now, I like going out of the house and doing things, I sleep 8-9 hours a night, I don't need to nap during the day and I'm back to full-time work and loving it. There's still work to be done, but it provides the base from which you can work from.

    If you don't find the support you need, keeping going, keep talking, keep seeking until you do and you can set about healing. If your doctor isn't supportive, keep going until you find one who is. If your first medication doesn't work, try another and another until you find one that does. Take care everyone and if I can offer nothing else, just be gentle on yourself. You can do it and you can get better! For those of you who may not have seen it, the timetable for recovery thread on here is excellent.
    Last edited by ThePlant; 02-05-17 at 11:23.

  2. #2

    Re: Fluoxetine side effects - a message of hope II

    I'm trying to be hopeful but I don't see a way out . I'm 21 . I can't work or leave my room I am dealing with severe anxiety . And maybe even withdrawal from an antipsychotic . The Prozac aren't working and it's week 5

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Fluoxetine side effects - a message of hope II

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicerice View Post
    The Prozac aren't working and it's week 5
    This isn't unusual. Antidepressants typically take 3-12 weeks to kick-in from when a therapeutic dose (20mg for Prozac) is first taken and Prozac tends to be the slowest to begin working because of its very long half-life. It takes about 5 weeks just for plasma levels to stabilize.

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