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Thread: Good days and bad days on Citalopram

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Good days and bad days on Citalopram

    I wanted to start a new thread about this. Is it supposed to be kind of choppy (up's and down's) while starting medication. I've been on medication for 8 weeks now. I think it's been 6 weeks on a therapeutic dose. I just upped my dose again (two 1/2 weeks ago) and am feeling anxious (on and off throughout the day). It kind of depends on what's going on in my life at the time. Mornings are the worst, however yesterday I felt so short of breath. I felt like I kept needing to take deep breaths. It felt anxiety related and i'm scared nothing is going to work for me. The doctor said I need to give my increased dose 4-6 weeks to work. I'm on 2 and a half weeks on the increased dose and keeping a calendar-- crossing off each day.

    I take a benzo every day to take the edge off , but even that only helps a bit. I'm exercising and meditating. What else can I do. Is it time to switch medicine, or should I wait a few more weeks on the increased dose? I feel so impatient, and really just want to feel better. I feel like i'm being held back from truly living my life. I'm in a constant state of worry and anxiety.

    Thanks for listening. Anyone- please feel free to chime in. I need some positive stories.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Good days and bad days on Citalopram

    Quote Originally Posted by Ethansmom View Post
    Is it time to switch medicine, or should I wait a few more weeks on the increased dose?
    I think it's too early to draw any conclusion about whether the higher dose is going to work. I'd give it at least another month.

  3. #3

    Re: Good days and bad days on Citalopram

    I have had both good and bad days on citalopram - I think it is probably where your dose has been adjusting the serotonin levels are trying to get to a 'happy medium'! If its one thing I have found, you can be strong enough to get through it and it will get better. It is hard, but the doctors know best and they are trying to tailor your medication to suit you everybody i have spoken to has said it does take a little while but it will get there

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Good days and bad days on Citalopram

    Thank you panic down under--- I almost at three weeks on the 40MG, and still needing the klonopin daily. Yesterday I felt panicky and had to also take a Xanax, which I haven't taken in a while.

    Thank you Aejh91. It would be nice to wake up one day and not feel shaky, or my heart beating out of my chest. When I wake up the first question I ask is--- how do I feel?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Good days and bad days on Citalopram

    I really believe that you would benefit from ACT therapy, or learning about it. We all just want to be happy again, but we have this illness and I think by accepting that, it may help you with your anxiety. Here is a link to some ACT Mindfullness Resources click on Free Worksheets, Handouts and Book Chapters, scroll down until you find
    Book Chapters and Supplements

    You can read the first chapter of the book for free. This book has really helped me.

    Tracy xx
    The other side of every fear is FREEDOM

  6. #6

    Re: Good days and bad days on Citalopram

    Honestly, I am exactly the same. I wake up at the crack of dawn with my heart pounding, shaking, nervous feeling and think im going mad. I try to tell myself, im going to stay calm and this will pass because in an hour or so i will be fine! X

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