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Thread: Been googling afterlife again

  1. #21
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Been googling afterlife again

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Dear God no..I'd demand a refund!
    Yeah but you'd already know what's going to happen and can change things There was a book I read called "Replay" by Ken Greenwood which is about a man who dies at 43 and wakes up 25 years earlier in his college dorm room, remembering everything that happened to him and what he did to change or keep things the same. Very cool....

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

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  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Re: Been googling afterlife again

    One life is enough for me, FMP!

  3. #23
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    Re: Been googling afterlife again

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    One life is enough for me, FMP!
    I don't know... If I would wake up after dying, 25 years earlier in my life, knowing what I currently know, I wouldn't have an issue with it. Think about it, you know who won sporting events and such and could bet large sums of $$ and win. You could warn and help others to avoid pending disaster etc. For me, I could avoid that woman who gave me HPV and was the cause of my H&N cancer! (I know who it is).... There are definitely some benefits

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  4. #24
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    Re: Been googling afterlife again

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    What have you been reading?

    You're speaking entirely from ego - which appears to be something we don't take with us when we die.

    I'm struggling to understand what you're on about to be honest.

    I know my consciousness will survive biological death. My experience (and subsequent ones) removed my fear of death.

    We already know that consciousness survives clinical death because of NDE accounts - and the longer someone is 'down' the deeper the experience.

    It's my understanding that all the things, that have made life as difficult as it is, will be gone and we will be back to our default setting which is love.

    It's hard to imagine love without the influence of ego because egos are formed as soon as we are around other people. Hate, jealousy, anxiety, depression, sadness, hurt - they're all ego based. When I had an experience several decades ago, it was like none of those emotions existed - which was at odds with the fact that I was being bullied on a daily basis at school.

    I've experienced this - albeit briefly - and there are no words to accurately describe how this felt. I wasn't on drugs, having a psychotic episode or asleep. I was wide awake and as compos mentis as it gets.

    Can you imagine being you without all the crap?

    Well you came into the world that way and you will leave the same way because all of it will be released as your consciousness separates from your body.

    Regards the 'afterlife' being boring...

    If boring is not being weighed down with all this egotistical shit (mine and other peoples), then I'll take boring!

    We are all made of energy and energy cannot be destroyed - it can only change form - so the idea that we do not exist in any way after death doesn't make sense to me.

    I do struggle with reincarnation but that's probably because I am looking at it from a human measurement of time perspective, but some of the accounts are very compelling - especially those of children which I'm more likely to believe because they have less cause to lie.

    I've seen people who shouldn't be here and I've sensed many more. My dad came to me in a dream to show me the crematorium where we'd just had his service and him with his arm around his brother - him saying, 'I'll look after you kid' which I thought was odd because this was his eldest brother. Normally, dreams are fragmented, so some things are accurate but others are not because it's a jumble of memories. Not so in this dream - everything was exactly as it should have been. I remember feeling elated that my dad was sat in front of me but he didn't speak to me and that upset me. A few weeks later, my uncle died (6 weeks after my dad) and we were in that crematorium again - this time saying goodbye to my uncle.

    The night before my mother died (suddenly) I had a dream where I was at my nan's house (mum's mum) and my nan looked about 35 years old (she was in her 60s when I was born) and everything about the house and garden was correct except for one door which didn't belong there, and Nan told me that I wasn't to open it. We were putting things into black sacks - like you would for a jumble sale? And the dream ended there. This was just before I woke up at about 9.30 am. The dream unnerved me a bit. It was a Saturday and I rarely spoke to Mum on a Saturday (and I'd spoken to her the night before) but something kept niggling at me. So I phoned about 10am and got no answer from the landline or mobile. Not unusual for my mum as she could have been in the shower, but this sense of something being wrong was too strong to ignore so I phoned my brother who agreed to go round and check she was ok. AT 11am he called me to say he'd found her dead on the floor and the paramedics estimated time of death between 9 and 9.30 am, so she was dying at the time I had my dream.

    The evidence that consciousness survives death is enormous and, slowly, we are making progress using the scientific method ( Google Sam Parnia) but ultimately I's say it's probably best that most of us are kept guessing otherwise we'd be leaping off cliffs in droves...
    Thanks that’s very interesting especially the dream part. I have heard stories of people floating above there body ect I believe my dad had this. So do you don’t quite believe reincarnation but some sort of after life? For me unless you get to come back again in reincarnation it’s a bit pointless. I don’t see how any other world can be better than earth as we know it. I have terrible anxiety about dying every day so I know I need help with this issue. I feel it helps to talk about it too but I know once I have had this conversation I can’t keep thinking I’m dying every day?

    For me immorality has to be the future or atleast some sort of extended life maybe 120,130? My grand mother is actually 105 which is quite old. Sadly men don’t live as long. Sure life can be stressful but the idea of it not continuing is depressing. I mean perhaps when you are 90 retried and don’t have your family around anymore perhaps you care less? I also worry about future deaths celebs or family as you never know how you will cope I have heard of people dying just soon after someone close to them dies that’s quite scary too?

  5. #25
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    Re: Been googling afterlife again

    Quote Originally Posted by phil06 View Post
    Thanks that’s very interesting especially the dream part. I have heard stories of people floating above there body ect I believe my dad had this.
    Out of body experience? I've never had this. Been close a few times, but I think that was down to the pints of real ale and dodgy kebabs.

    So do you don’t quite believe reincarnation but some sort of after life?
    It's not that I don't believe in reincarnation - I'm too open-minded for that - I just struggle to get my head around it. I struggle with the concept that my son and I could have been 'man and wife' in a different life. Again, that's my ignorance because we're talking soul level. You get me? The afterlife is easy to get my head around because I've experienced paranormal stuff since I was 9 years old. It found me, not the other way around. I also tend to find the reincarnation accounts of children more believable than adults who claim to have been Cleopatra etc

    For me unless you get to come back again in reincarnation it’s a bit pointless.
    Reincarnation - as I understand it - is about evolving spiritually.

    I have terrible anxiety about dying every day so I know I need help with this issue. I feel it helps to talk about it too but I know once I have had this conversation I can’t keep thinking I’m dying every day?
    Because you're not accepting death as part of life.

    For me immorality has to be the future or atleast some sort of extended life maybe 120,130?
    Phil, my eyebrows shot up reading this until I got to the second part and realised it was a typo!

    My grand mother is actually 105 which is quite old. Sadly men don’t live as long.
    Did she have her telegram from the Queen?

    Good news for you Phil if you have longevity like this in your family!

    Men aren't that far behind women generally..

    Both my grandmothers died in their 70s. (Grandad was 81 - Nan was 77) and that was forty years after his first heart attack. Apparently a pint of cider, snuff, and a ploughmans lunch everyday is the key to living longer lol

    Sure life can be stressful but the idea of it not continuing is depressing. I mean perhaps when you are 90 retried and don’t have your family around anymore perhaps you care less?
    This is fascinating me because you're not exactly living now are you? You're here, technically, but your mind is elsewhere worrying about the future and things that might never happen - except death which definitely will happen - and this means you can't possibly be fully present.

    I also worry about future deaths celebs or family as you never know how you will cope
    I don't worry about people I like dying (rock stars etc) but it affects me very deeply when they do.

    I have heard of people dying just soon after someone close to them dies that’s quite scary too?
    This generally happens with elderly people and it stands to reason that, when they've spent the majority of their lives loving somebody - and those people die - the will to live is removed because their reason for living has gone. That's not scary - that's love.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #26
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    Re: Been googling afterlife again

    Nora, my nana was like that. She had to move into a home as she couldn't be supported enough (many years ago too so services were poor) after grandad passed. She was in there a while but told my mum she just wanted to go to join grandad. She said she had done all she would. She passed very soon after saying this.

    I think elderly couples passing at close intervals is better than years of grief if you are so old you won't have other opportunities to be happy. Perhaps not nice for we kids but I think it's better for them if it saves them pain.

    If we do get to live to 130 I hope it includes some physical boost. Being elderly for 60+ years would be worse to me.
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  7. #27
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    Re: Been googling afterlife again

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Nora, my nana was like that. She had to move into a home as she couldn't be supported enough (many years ago too so services were poor) after grandad passed. She was in there a while but told my mum she just wanted to go to join grandad. She said she had done all she would. She passed very soon after saying this.

    I think elderly couples passing at close intervals is better than years of grief if you are so old you won't have other opportunities to be happy. Perhaps not nice for we kids but I think it's better for them if it saves them pain.

    If we do get to live to 130 I hope it includes some physical boost. Being elderly for 60+ years would be worse to me.
    Did you see this?

    This offers hope. I mean did they not say 30 use to be old back in the days people died at 50. Each year we extending life who is to say in 50 years it may not mean you are not old by 60? For example J-Lo and Madonna don’t look there age. 60 could be the new middle age?

  8. #28
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    Re: Been googling afterlife again

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post

    I think elderly couples passing at close intervals is better than years of grief if you are so old you won't have other opportunities to be happy. Perhaps not nice for we kids but I think it's better for them if it saves them pain.
    My mother was only 57 when the love of her life died. That's 7 years older than me. (sobering thought). She lived for another 15 years but she wasn't happy without my dad.

    If we do get to live to 130 I hope it includes some physical boost. Being elderly for 60+ years would be worse to me.
    I don't want to live to that kind of age. I'm knackered at 50. I know this much for certain - being plonked in an old folks home would kill me off within days...

    My MIL did some respite in a Shady Pines and one day one of the old girls chucked a cup of tea at one of the other residents.

    Decision made. Sod that for a game of conkers!
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  9. #29
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    Re: Been googling afterlife again

    Phil's posts always make me feel so old...but the truth is that I bet I am a lot more active than he is..and I have the blood pressure of an 18 year old!

    I don't get why you want to live forever, Phil, yet are tormented daily by your mental health issues? It's not much of a life, is it?

  10. #30
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    Re: Been googling afterlife again

    Quote Originally Posted by phil06 View Post
    Did you see this?

    This offers hope. I mean did they not say 30 use to be old back in the days people died at 50. Each year we extending life who is to say in 50 years it may not mean you are not old by 60? For example J-Lo and Madonna don’t look there age. 60 could be the new middle age?
    You're making me feel better already Phil
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