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Thread: WW3

  1. #1


    As the title suggest I’m really scared we are heading for WW3. I’ve quit my job, I’ve stopped eating properly, I’ve quit gym. Everything is just caving in. I spend all day in bed reading/scanning different news websites. I can’t look forward to anything as I just think whats the use..

    I’m so scared. So much bad stuff is going on in the world. South China sea, US/China relations, US/Russia relations, NATO/Russia, Syria.

    I don’t want to be conscripted, forced to kill another men, see my family hurt.
    Surely we should have learnt from the first two world wars. I can’t believe this is all happening again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: WW3

    For one thing don't believe the media. They love to sensationalize everything on the internet and television. I doubt seriously if the world leaders will start WW3. If your anxiety has reduced you to hiding in your bedroom then you need professional assistance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: WW3

    The news can make scary reading /watching. It used to terrify me in the past to the point of not being able to sleep or eat. Like Snow says alot of it is sensationalized, sells better. First thing is to distance youself from it, stop watching, googling. Its just making you feel awful. Doing that helped me switch off from the fear & try to get on with normal life. My worry used to drive my husband crazy as he was his firm belief that there was no point fearing things you have no influence over & that it was unlikely that something like WW3 would happen anyways! There are alot of worrying things going on in the world but then there always has been, its a sad side of human nature thats thrust in our faces thanks to the media & on a level that past generations didnt have. Maybe speak to your doctor to see if he can give you something to ease your anxiety levels a bit. Take care xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: WW3

    I think it would be best for you to see your GP as your anxiety is obviously severely disrupting your life.

    Something to consider is why everyone else around you in society isn't doing the same. Why aren't they in fear? It's because they aren't driven to skewed negative thinking, fear isn't clouding their objectivity.

    Remember we had the Cold War, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. We got through all that fine so why not this?

    Like Snowghost says, the media are whipping up the fear to sell copies. The endless speculation is far worse these days with the internet. Detaching from these articles is a very good idea. Many are spun in favour of their political bias.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: WW3

    This is a really good article which backs up what others are saying about the media perhaps it may help you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: WW3

    Quote Originally Posted by happydylbob View Post
    This is a really good article which backs up what others are saying about the media perhaps it may help you.
    Good article. But Huffpost is well known for it's bias too so his last statement will be something many would disagree with.

    I don't think we have any without some form of bias. Many have political connections/leanings. It tends to be important to read across a range of them to make your own mind up these days.

    Unplugging is definately a good idea as discussed in the article. I remember seeing another one in a health mag and the guy was happier for disengaging for weeks.

    I can agree with it, whilst it doesn't bother me so much these days I think the constant stream of it and getting sucked in can feed certin traits in anxiety, especially OCD ones. Following the politics forums during Brexit & Trump showed me I needed to get away from them and only dip more occasionally.
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 02-06-17 at 05:57.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  7. #7

    Re: WW3

    I agree, getting help with your anxiety should be your top priority. And with that said, the world can be a scary place, and unfortunately catastrophes happen to innocent people. However, the world is full of good people and good things happen to people all the time. And if WW3 does break out, while that would be terrible, people will continue with there lives just as they did in the previous two world wars. Hope this helps.

  8. #8

    Re: WW3

    Thanks guys! I have seen my GP and he has referred me onto a psychiatrist.

    Do you guys/gals not worry about the going ons in the world? Do you think we have anything to worry about?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: WW3

    That's good to hear. You've done the right thing taking that first step.

    Yes, my GAD used to include such things. I struggled with TV news about war, civil unrest, terrorism, even things like an election. But these days I can happily watch or read about any of it because my overall anxiety levels have reduced and I exposed myself to reading the front few pages of a selection of newspapers when I went into supermarkets.

    I remember a recovered panic member on here once talk about how it's normal in such circumstances (he often said this about HA worries) to have "concern" rather than "worry". I agree with this and it's how I look at things now. Concern allows some distance so that you care without too much emotional investment in things that are too big to worry about as we can't change or impact on them as said by another member above.

    Change & uncertainty are two fundamental issues in anxiety disorders. Our negative thinking also pushes us to seek black & white answers. Big, complex issues like this can never fit this narrow thinking and we have to learn to accept that our leaders are doing what's best to protect us and our way of life.

    On that subject, I always think about how all the rich & powerful in the world would be as poor as everyone else if the worst happened. Money, stocks & shares, gold, etc becomes meaningless when food & water becomes the most important resource. Do we think our rich leaders want to lose their livelihoods?
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: WW3

    Is it you think Trump will say the wrong thing to the wrong person and start a war, you got through the BUSH term ok and he was 10 times worse than TRUMP at least other countries like him , War like you are fretting about wont happen,SUPER POWERS use threats of missiles not ground troops.You and your family are has safe has any other

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