After talking to my pdoc about my medications I had been on in the past, we came to the conclusion that my old pdoc might have been starting me on to high of a dose of meds and it was amping up my anxiety and never could "break the cycle".

My old pdoc started me on 100mg of Zoloft and upped it to 125mg within 2 weeks. I had always responded to low doses of meds (5mg-10mg of lexapro worked wonders for almost a decade, and I only ever need half of a .25mg Xanax to stop a panic attack)
I feel that my size, 6' 250lbs makes a lot of people think "Oh he is a big guy and needs a big dose"

The problem I had with Zoloft years ago was that it made my feel mad all the time and the littlest thing would just piss me off, but this was at 100-125mg.

My new doc believes that me giving Zoloft another try, but starting at 25mg and going from there.

Does this make sense? I know everyone reacts differently to meds, but could it be that small amounts of meds are the answer instead of the normal range (50-150mg)? That, just a minute amount could correct the chemical imbalance? I know they have "therapeutic doses" for all meds, but I have read all over the net, along with my doc telling me from patients she has, that some respond to small doses better than the "normal dose". She even has one patient that takes Zoloft every other day on a low dose and it stopped his anxiety.

I'm just curious as if this seems plausible

Thank you for any input