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Thread: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

    I just read this post, it's old I know, but still very relevant. I relate to so much of what you've written.
    I've had IBS since I was a teenager and am now in my 60's. It flares up about twice a year although there were years of complete freedom.

    All fellow sufferers will agree with me when I say that each and every time it happens my mind tells me THIS time it's something worse.....
    This brain/gut connection is complicated but very real! The symptoms feed the anxiety, the anxiety feeds the symptoms. You get caught in a loop.

    Sometimes a visit to the Doctor is all I need, some reassurance that all is well and the symptoms disappear. Like magic!
    This time it didn't work for me so in desperation I tried a Homeopath. She has been very sympathetic and agreed that my IBS due to a combination of food and anxiety She's given me medication and supplements but she also tested me for food allergies and told me I have an intolerance to wheat, corn, barley, rye, oats, potatoes, tomatoes, brinjals and cocoa.

    Well trying to sort out a diet that eliminates all of the above has left me even MORE anxious!
    Trouble is when I'm not having an IBS flare up I can eat absolutely ANYTHING with no ill effects.

    Is it really all due to anxiety? Or is it that when we have a flare up our stomach becomes more tender and intolerant to certain foods?
    General Anxiety, Health Anxiety and Panic Disorder for over 25 years. South Africa

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

    I just want to add “ my experience” just in case anyone will still read this and stomach problems is one of their anxiety symptoms.
    I don’t think I have IBS I believe it’s all connected to anxiety. I only have to leave the house for various stomach pains to hit me and urgency to go to toilet. And I know it’s all in my head as if I stick to my routine places I m not too bad or can just about cope with it but the minute I need to go somewhere new or do new activity it all kicks in.
    i have had CBT in the past, been on Citalopram for several years ( currently off meds for past 20 months) and now been referred for exposure therapy well I m on waiting list anyway. I don’t know how that will work and I’m really dreading it, but apparently there is like 80% recovery from agoraphobia, so if anyone has experienced that please let me know.
    Anyway when I m really bad I drink camomile tea in the evening as it helps to calm you down and also it settles your stomach a bit so maybe worth trying. Also started doing Pilates class to help with severe back aches which I think are also connected to stress and anxiety as after having MRI scan it proved my back is all in tact and fine. Relaxation tapes also helped me in the past however haven’t done that lately. I just so desperately don’t want to go back on the pills .
    I know anxiety is daily battle for lots of people here and sometimes I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. So I just thought I add few tips of mine.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

    I've been bloated and windy in the morning for some while and I tried to massage the area to relieve the pain and as I did I had an uncomfortable pain underneath my right ribs which when pressed became worse. I hardly feel it until I prod about which disturbsit. As a result my anxiety is running wild with various scenarios, all of them bad. It's been bothersome for a few days now though. It got going after my wife had to have more medical tests with her ongoing treatment and then a day after my son was on a ct scan for a possible long covid diagnosis. I have had anxiety over health for many years now but it doesnt ease over the years,
    infact gets worse. The gp says he doesn't want to increase my meds for the condition as it isn't advisable for my age.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

    I'm wondering what works for people to stop the constant feelings of a churning. bloating gut.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

    Small regular meals.

    When my anxiety is bad I really struggle with my digestive system. Wind, bloating, the runs, cramps. It usually settles as my anxiety settles.

    There are over the counter remedies that you can buy that might be worth looking into, also it may be advisable to look at counselling to help you?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

    The gp has put me on a month of pregabalin along with the usual tests so its finger nail biting time to see what my treatment may be.

  7. #17

    Re: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

    ah this thread really helped tonight...kind of reassuring to know that even ongoing stomach issues can be from levels have been so high over the last year and half with so much happening so I guess it isnt surprising that my stomach is churning and in pain all the time..thanks for the post

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

    This was just what I needed to read today! I have got myself in a total blue funk recently. Coming out of lockdown and all the responsibilities that had disappeared flooding back has totally ruined my state of mind. My gut is all over the place, but I'm sure there are really no 'red flag' symptoms. I have a history of bowel problems, I've had colitis and a diagnosis some years ago of severe diverticular disease, so there's really plenty of logical explanation for it all. I wake early in the morning and go into total panic mode. My stomach clenches and off we go. It's always on mornings like that that the day is one of wind, bloating, rumblings and occasionally cramps. If I can remember to take peppermint oil half an hour before a meal it does help. Just hearing of other people suffering in the same way does help! But oh how the current 'adverts' on radio and TV about cancer symptoms have sent my anxiety sky high. I don't really have any of those symptoms but that doesn't stop the panic!

  9. #19

    Re: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

    Sorry I know this post is old but you have just described exactly how I am feeling now. My stomach is so bad and has been for 6 months. The Dr has ran lots of tests but hasn't been able to find any cause yet and attributes it to anxiety. I just can't get my head round how I can have 24/7 stomach issues for 6 months from anxiety! It feels like an awful loop I am stuck in too of my stomach being bad fueling my anxiety and then my anxiety being bad keeping my stomach issues going.

  10. #20

    Re: Constant stomach pains because of anxiety? Join the club.

    Enjoyed reading your post and found some ideas in it which i may try thanks.

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