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Thread: Should I give prozac one more experts needed asap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Exclamation Should I give prozac one more experts needed asap

    I have decided to try meds again after a lonnnnggg battle that I have documented on here (look and read my threads)

    Backstory: I took 5mg prozac back in high school when it was called sarafem for severe pms. Then I took 20mg back in 09 to 2011 for major depression...then took 80mg back in 2014 for very severe major depression. Noticed in april I was having another episode so I went and got back on it but this time I had diareha (spellcheck) headaches in the morning it felt like my thoughts were scrambled and headaches and no appetite. By day 5 I either had a panic attack or a hypoglycemic attack....

    Tried celexa and that gave me bad constant intrusve thoughts and bad anxiety (stopped after 4 days)

    Paxil gave me bad muscle spasms a panic attack that landed me in the er the first day I took it shallow sleep which then made me wake up.and things were going fast forward like a vcr no appetite and even more intrusive thoughts (stopped after 3 days)

    Right now im nit taking anything but klonopin as needed and im dealing with intrusive thoughts about becoming schizophrenic and going crazy, shallow sleep, waking up shaking, facial tics, muscle spasms, depersonalization, blurry and double vision, anxiety and now really bad depression.

    Many people have helped me on here and stated I may have ocd. I think the extreme stress and anxiety have brought out some ocd tendencies. Im seeing a therapist and a counselor but as you know they cant help with meds.

    My question is.... should I give the prozac one more try? Ive had the longest history with it never had withdrawl problems (even on 3 days of paxil i went through hell getting it out my system). I scared of being on something and I start hallucinating or becoming violent. I never had that on prozac. Due to my symptoms is there anything else that is comparable to prozac? Would starting on a low dose prozac work better?

    Thank you for any help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Should I give prozac one more experts needed asap

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysmar09 View Post
    My question is.... should I give the prozac one more try? Ive had the longest history with it never had withdrawl problems
    My sister has been on Prozac for years. She does quite well with it. Should you try? The real questions is do you not and stay the same or give it a shot and have the opportunity to calm your anxiety so you can make a concerted effort to treat it.

    Don't look at meds as an end to end all or a negative. Look at them as crutches until you get your feet back under you.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Should I give prozac one more experts needed asap

    Thank you and right now I do need a crutch to get back on my feet. I want my life back asap

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Should I give prozac one more experts needed asap

    You've mentioned how taking one med has caused the current worries. Your therapist mentioned OCD traits but it wasn't the main reason for anxiety. So, how did your anxiety work before?

    Your therapist may need to adjust their diagnosis but they could equally be waiting to see if this episode abates and you return to your previous anxiety symptoms & issues.

    I'm left wondering whether this is an intensification of previous symptoms or something more transient. Without knowing more about your worries before the med brought all this on, it's hard to understand but if the new symptoms are nothing like the old ones, it could mean they won't stick unless the trauma is substantial enough to create new fears but that wouldn't necessarily mean OCD cycles appearing if they weren't noticeable before.

    Obviously, it's for a professional to determine but it would be interesting to understand if this is an issue that has grown due to a catalyst or it's something quite isolated.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #5

    Re: Should I give prozac one more experts needed asap

    Chrysmar09 has no-one asked about or suggested you increase your protein intake?

    US recommended intake levels are what led me to trying out a much higher level than the 50g I was eating, and so cured my anxiety (among other things).

    Baseline recommendation is based on bodyweight, at 0.8g to 1.0g, which alone indicated I should have been eating 65-82g, but also stress increases our use of protein, and boy was I stressed. I used to get stressed by anything and everything, so I aimed for 100g of protein daily.

    That equates to 400g of high protein foods like chicken, steak, hard cheese, and nuts.

    At first it was quite hard, as I hadn't discovered protein shakes, and had to do more cooking than I really had the energy for, but after a few days, my energy levels improved, and cooking became fun, trying out new recipes.

    I quickly realised that I needed to cut down almost completely on carbs, to keep from putting on weight, but it's been plain sailing since.

    I could give you a technical explanation of exactly why this helped so much, but for all I know, you eat a pound of steak everyday, so are not likely do be deficient in the building blocks of neurotransmitters (protein-amino acids), but as you are in the US, I wondered, has anyone checked that you are eating enough protein? As per US recommendations?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Should I give prozac one more experts needed asap

    Quote Originally Posted by Ancient Weaver View Post
    Chrysmar09 has no-one asked about or suggested you increase your protein intake?

    US recommended intake levels are what led me to trying out a much higher level than the 50g I was eating, and so cured my anxiety (among other things).

    Baseline recommendation is based on bodyweight, at 0.8g to 1.0g, which alone indicated I should have been eating 65-82g, but also stress increases our use of protein, and boy was I stressed. I used to get stressed by anything and everything, so I aimed for 100g of protein daily.

    That equates to 400g of high protein foods like chicken, steak, hard cheese, and nuts.

    At first it was quite hard, as I hadn't discovered protein shakes, and had to do more cooking than I really had the energy for, but after a few days, my energy levels improved, and cooking became fun, trying out new recipes.

    I quickly realised that I needed to cut down almost completely on carbs, to keep from putting on weight, but it's been plain sailing since.

    I could give you a technical explanation of exactly why this helped so much, but for all I know, you eat a pound of steak everyday, so are not likely do be deficient in the building blocks of neurotransmitters (protein-amino acids), but as you are in the US, I wondered, has anyone checked that you are eating enough protein? As per US recommendations?
    I dont eat at all really. I dont drink a lot of water either when im having a breakdown like this. When im better i dont eat a lot of protein. I did do atkins at one point and thought of going paleo. I was told a plant based diet is best for depression or anxiety but I havent tried that either. Im willing to.try anything if you can tell me more about it

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