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Thread: Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

  1. #1

    Unhappy Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

    Hey all. I was on Paxil for 16 years until it recently 'pooped out' on me. Was switched to fluoxetene 16 days ago. So being particularly sensitive to meds, I've been graced with all the wonderful side effects that go along with this med. heightened anxiety, sweats, shakes, tension headaches, diarreah, you name it I got it. I'm finding it more and more difficult to actually talk to people. Like I can't stand the sound of their voices. It's not even just being sensitive to sounds, I barely feel like holding a conversation with someone and if I do, it almost sends me into a panicky state straight away. Also, my room feels the safest to me right now and I can barely venture out to the rest of the house before feeling some major anxiety. I'm trying so hard to hold it together and make it into week 4 because, hey that's supposed to be mildly better, right? I just want to know if anyone else felt the same way I am. Thanks everyone. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

    Quote Originally Posted by ElleEm View Post
    Hey all.
    Welcome to No More Panic, Elle

    I've been graced with all the wonderful side effects that go along with this med. heightened anxiety, sweats, shakes, tension headaches, diarreah, you name it I got it.
    I suspect these are more withdrawal symptoms than fluoxetine side-effects. One of the problems with fluoxetine is it has a long half-life which means it takes quite a while to build up in the system. OTOH, Paxil (paroxetine) has a very short elimination half-life so drops out quickly. A cross-taper, rather than an overnight switch is definitely the best option when switching to fluoxetine from another SSRI.

    I'm trying so hard to hold it together and make it into week 4 because, hey that's supposed to be mildly better, right?
    Hopefully, yes. Does you doctor know about how difficult this is for you? If not, I suggest you see him/her asap as there are ways of lessening the impact. You don't need to suffer like this!

  3. #3

    Re: Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

    Hello Panic, and thanks for the response! I feel like it's probably a combination of both withdrawal and side effects, as a lot of the side effects are the same as other new fluoxetene users. Maybe mine are just a little more heightened because of the withdrawals.?

    Ugh. Do you have any idea when the withdrawals are supposed to go away?

    ---------- Post added at 08:44 ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 ----------

    Oh, and I have tried talking to my doctor but he won't prescribe anything but trazodone for the sleep and seroquel for the extra anxiety. I don't want to go into another AD so I'm leaving that one alone. I tried one trazodone about 2 weeks ago and I felt like a zombie the whole day :(

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

    I agree, I would definitely think this is paroxetine withdrawal over start up side effects from prozac. Paroxetine is notorious for its withdrawals but as you're straight onto another anti d then that should solve half your problems. I have been on both drugs and found prozac a treat to go on and come off. Id check in with your doc and tell him how youre feeling and perhaps they could give you something extra to help with the withdrawals if needed

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

    Quote Originally Posted by ElleEm View Post
    Do you have any idea when the withdrawals are supposed to go away?
    Fluoxetine plasma levels usually stabilize to a steady-state within 41 days, so if the dose is about equivalent to the amount of Paxil you were on things should then settle down, as usually also will the side-effects, however, antidepressants are unpredictable meds so there are no guarantees.

    Oh, and I have tried talking to my doctor but he won't prescribe anything but trazodone for the sleep and seroquel for the extra anxiety.
    He's rather prescribe an antipsychotic? Sigh!!

    Ask if he will prescribe a small dose of hydroxyzine (Vistaril). This is a prescription antihistamine with pretty good anti anxiety properties. It isn't quite as potent as the benzodiazepines, but is often potent enough to make a significant difference.

    I don't want to go into another AD so I'm leaving that one alone. I tried one trazodone about 2 weeks ago and I felt like a zombie the whole day :(
    That is unusual. The reason trazodone has become the de facto treatment for SSRI induced insomnia is it's very short half-life, only 3-4 hours. BTW - Seroquel is usually slightly more sedating, but has a 6 hour half-life.

  6. #6

    Re: Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

    Thank you for all your knowledge Panic! I will definitely ask about the hydroxyzine. My doc is really against benzos, which honestly I don't blame him, but I need SOMETHING. this has been the worst day so far.

    Yes, I was on 20 mg of paroxetine, and am on 20mg of fluoxetene now, which is equivalent.

  7. #7
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

    Quote Originally Posted by ElleEm View Post
    Yes, I was on 20 mg of paroxetine, and am on 20mg of fluoxetene now, which is equivalent.
    Only very approximately. Paroxetine is a much more potent serotonin reuptake inhibitor than fluoxetine, milligram to milligram. It is also a moderate noradrenaline, aka norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Therapeutically that is probably mostly swamped by the powerful serotonin action, but it may be a factor in withdrawal to some extent.

  8. #8

    Re: Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

    You're right. It has to be the withdrawal. Starting today I was hit with flu symptoms, hot flashes and an anxiety I've never experienced before, it was
    So intense. Not fun �� If I am on day 17 now, when would you expect the withdrawals to subside? The worst of it's supposed to be over in 2-3 weeks right? What impact, if any, would the fluoxetene have on the situation? Do you think the flu is helping the withdrawal process along at all? Sorry for all the questions.. lol and thank you ❤️❤️

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

    Quote Originally Posted by ElleEm View Post
    It has to be the withdrawal. Starting today I was hit with flu symptoms, hot flashes and an anxiety I've never experienced before, it was
    So intense.️
    It's a bit late for withdrawal symptoms to start. Are you sure it isn't the flu? Or did you read a list of withdrawal symptoms not long before you began experiencing them? An anxious mind is quite capable of creating withdrawal like symptoms.

  10. #10

    Re: Day 16 of Fluoxetene.. couple of questions

    No, I've been quite aware of Paxil withdrawal symptoms for years. This was definitely different than the other symptoms I have been facing lately. My temperature is normal though, but felt extremely feverish, dizzy, nauseous etc.. Really hoping for a better day today. I'd love to actually spend the day outside of the bedroom. ��

    ---------- Post added at 08:22 ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 ----------

    After some more reading, I'm finding that prozac can cause the flu like symptoms too. Gah, I give up lol. Either way it sucks. I'm on day 18 and just want to get through the rest of this week. Hoping week 4 is better.

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