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Thread: Nervous about MRI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Nervous about MRI

    I'm scheduled for an MRI on the 20th. Are there any tips for how to get through this with as little anxiety as possible?

    It's actually two separate scansne for the brain and one for the cervical area.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Nervous about MRI

    I was really worried about my MRI but it honestly wasn't even that scary. I felt like I was in some weird spaceship - youre in that 'tube' and there's a lot of weird loud noises. Try not to worry about them too much - the whole 'spaceship' comparison actually sort of helped me with coping with the noises it made the whole thing feel a bit surreal. Try to focus on your breath and not think too much (i know harder said than done). you also get a thingy you can press if you get too anxious which stops it so keep it in mind that there is always a way to stop it if it gets too bad.

    The main thing that helped me though was basically thinking that i just need to get through it and then AT LEAST I WILL KNOW. the radiologist was like if u get anxious we can just do it some other day but that would make me feel even worse so however anxious i felt i just kept telling myself repeatedly the whole time i was in there that at least i will know if anything/what is wrong with me and that's what got me through.

    and honestly in the end the most difficult part was actually just lying still lol

    good luck xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Nervous about MRI


    I have had a number of MRI scans (and these were nothing to do with my HA for all them apart from two scans I had done) the scans I had done because I have NF are brain and spine. I been told I have some sort of non cancerous, spot, lump whatever it is and this has got smaller over the years, but will need to have brain scans for rest of my life.

    As for the scan as the above user has says you will get a buzzer to press. or if you think you going to sneeze, and sometimes the air in the scanning machine may make you cough or sneeze, as for the sounds you will get ear headset to block out most of the sounds, I kind of like the sounds when you go into the room makes me wants to dance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Nervous about MRI

    Thank you both.

    I just don't want to panic. I'll have to remember spaceship thing.

    Actually, sneezing and coughing is something I'm worried about....also post nasal drip making me gag lol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Nervous about MRI

    I'm also worried about the contrast dye. I'm scared that I'm somehow allergic. I've been so sensitive to things lately.

    I don't eat shell fish, so how would I know?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Nervous about MRI

    I am sure if you are unsure the team can run a few tests before using the dye.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Nervous about MRI

    Quote Originally Posted by unsure_about_this View Post
    I am sure if you are unsure the team can run a few tests before using the dye.
    I'll have to ask.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Nervous about MRI

    Have to agree there's nothing to it really unless you don't like small confined spaces. The only worry I had I have stent fitted so actually mentioned this on the day of my scan I expected to be told another appointment will be made at a later date, No they still saw me on the day. What it was stents can get quite hot in the High powered MRI Scanner and after I mentioned I had a stent they said that's not a problem, we will put you in a low power scanner it will take longer to do the scan but will be as accurate as the high power scanner, but with out the risk of my stent over heating As for the noise, to me it was bit like the sound of a dial up internet connection lol. If I had to have another scan ever I would now be more at ease So everything will be ok Cheers

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Nervous about MRI

    Thanks for everyone's comments.

    I had the MRI done this morning and it went fine. I've never had a claustrophobic episode, but I know I don't like to be stuck in a tight spot with a lot of people. I wasn't really sure how I'd do.

    Fortunately, I just kept my cool and kept my eyes closed for most of the scans. It was loud, but she had me listen to the radio through special headphones.

    The results should be sent to my doctor later this afternoon. I'm trying not to think about it.

    I just wanted to give an update for anyone that's nervous.

    The contrast dye was fine. I didn't have a reaction. The enclosed space was fine, I just kept myself distracted.

    Thank you all for your advice and encouragement!

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