So VERY recently I was diagnosed with OCD.

My OCD is about me cheating.

In March I was having a conversation with internet strangers abut my sex life, Im open about that. I felt kinda weird about it so I told my SO, he was fine with it as long as there was no nudes or sexts.

I said there was not because there was not.

Then the next day, I began to overthink. Did I? You sure? Check Your memories? Maybe you are not remembering something right? Maybe you are suppressing the memory? Check your memories again.

Then I started imagining scenarios which I did those things. Immediate anxiety.

Ive been partially hospitalized now. We did our first exposure treatment. It was hard. They had people talk about how good my boyfriend was and I felt so guilty so horrible I could not stop crying. All the anxiety hit at once and I wanted to run and break up with my boyfriend because he deserved better than me,

Why does it feel so real sometimes?

Anyone deal with false memories too?

How do I even know they are false?