Hope your all ok and getting through this crappy illness!

I've not been around for 3 or 4 months for many reasons, and if you don't mind listening this is why. In February my best mate took his own life completely out of the blue. He was in his late 50s, retired at 50, loads of money, house in the country etc. I was racked with guilt as the last time I saw him he wasn't himself and I wished I had delved deeper.

My health and no I don't suffer from health anxiety. I started to feel unwell in October16. In January I developed a pain in my right side which I thought I had pulled a muscle. In the first week of march I developed a severe pain in my left shoulder , nausea and cold sweats, so I took myself off to my gp. He prescribed omeprazole and a sickness tablet. I wasn't to impressed as I thought this was treating the symptoms rather than finding the cause. Since then i've probably been to my gp every 2/3 weeks and said I'm really not feeling well at all. At the end of April my gp finally ordered loads of blood tests and an ultrasound of my gallbladder, kidneys and pancreas that all came back normal. In May my gp weighed me and I was about 19 stone and at the time my alarm bells started ringing as I knew I was around 22 stone at Christmas time. In June I started feeling light headed on top of all my other persistent symptoms, so I went back to my gp and was weighed again, and now weighed 18.7 stone, so my gp referred me to see a gastroenterologist. I went back to my gp 3 weeks later and weighed again I'd lost another 1 1/2 stone in 3 weeks!!! The look of panic on my gp's face was scary, he ordered lots of blood tests including 2 tumour markers, that all came back normal. He changed my gastroenterologist referral to the fast track 2 week maximum wait. I had the appointment within a week and waited 17 days for a CT scan with iv contrast, which I had Monday. No results yet

Can anybody help.

How accurate are tumour marker blood tests?

How accurate are contrast CT scans?

I asked my gp why I haven't had a poop or urine sample test and he looked at me like an idiot. Surely you can tell a lot from this?

I've never felt so ill with such persistent symptoms! Can you loose this much weight this fast and it not be CANCER