Hey guys. I will try to keep this short...

I somehow became infected with Campylobacter and became symptomatic on May 19th. The diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration and pain was just unbearable. Sadly, this didn't resolve on its own and I had to be put on two courses of antibiotics. Had stool tests and the bacteria has finally gone.

My stomach is now recovering from being ripped inside out and I can't seem to go 3-4 days without having diarrhea. My doctor ensures me that I'll be fine and there's nothing sinister going on. However, as of yesterday, my diarrhea had a completely different 'look' to it.

The stool itself is a light/medium brown, which is what I've been experiencing for the last 2 months. But now there appear to be thousands (and I mean thousands) of pinprick tiny grain-like dots mixed in. The whole stool is covered in them. From far away, they look black but on closer inspection, they seem to be a dark red. Between the fingers, they feel like tiny grains of sand.

I took a small sample to show my GP yesterday and she seems to think it's normal and I shouldn't be worried. I've had 2 bowel movements today and it's still happening. I should add that I've been on a diet of nothing but plain chicken, plain fish, plain rice, plain toast & bananas. The only drinks I've had are water or herbal tea.

I've just been given the green light to introduce normal foods back into my diet.

Should I be worried about these tiny little specks in my stool - not joking, there are thousands? Or is my GP right that it's nothing?