Hi all,

Not everyone posts threads or talks much about what they are going through. Many of us will know people who we talk to on PM who are going through very tough times. Some don't have reassurance seeking patterns, may be too afraid to post for various reasons, worry about triggering others or just prefer to keep things between friends. I think it's important they still know we care even if they talk to us or not.

I know, and have known people, on here who have gone through some terrible life events or are struggling very badly and I'm sure many of us do. We won't know who they are, only those they talk to will, and whilst I try to reassure on PM I don't want them to think they are alone the rest of the time so I'm setting this here for anonymous hugging of those that need it. Feel free to us it if you wish.

To my friends, past & present, who are in need of these. Keep going, things will get better.