Hey everyone,

Been dealing with my HA very well for the past few months, and recently I went to a friends house for some drinks. Long story short I ended up getting a bit tipsy and my friend has this bouncy slide that we all went on for a laugh. I ended up falling down it head first and got a terrible friction-like burn just above my elbow. I didn't think anything of it until the next day when I cleaned it and covered it with a plaster for work. Since, it has been oozing a little bit of yellow fluid (not thick discharge) and it stopped. But now I've been having all over flushes where my skin feels hot and a temp. The wound is taking too long to
heal in my opinion, and last night I could barely sleep because i felt so ill. I went to the doctors today because I was so worried about it becoming sepsis or
spreading. The doctor looked at it and said he didn't think it is infected but as I explained my feeling of unwellness, he prescribed me with anti biotics (Flucloxicillion) but he was very quick and said it might be a combination of something else making me feel ill. I'm taking the anti biopics but I'm worried they won't help and I'll end up in hospital fighting for my life. The wound is very slow healing if any.

Any reassurance/support would be amazing. Xxx