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Thread: Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

    Hi all,
    I originally posted about clonzepam/klonopin back in January. Unfortunately I stayed on this med due to my anxiety at 1mg a day (0.5mg x2). Well I have been tapering off it at a quarter of a tablet 0.125mg at time. It was all going pretty smoothly till I got down to 0.25mg which is half a tablet when I was hit by bad withdrawals. I'm just looking for advice on how to get off the last half, should I carry on at the same speed or slow right down? I need to get over the withdrawals as quickly as poss as need to get back to work as I have no job at the mo. My psych refuses to believe that 1mg can cause a great deal of dependency. I've been on benzobuddies site but its full of horror stories and just made me panic even more lol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

    I just posted a similar question

    getting off that last bit is always tough. you need to be fully engaged in other activities to not think about it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , Croatia.

    Re: Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

    Getting off Clonazepam is really difficult and I remember it was hell for me. However, carry on lowering the dose, maybe once every 3 weeks? I went from 0.5 once a day to zero by cutting the dose down once a month. My therapist said people usually took 10 days in between going down a dose, but that it would be better for me to go at a slower pace given that I'd been on the medication for 9 years.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

    Ok thanks for the replys. I have been reducing the dose every two weeks at the moment. Do you think reducing the last half into four quarter cuts would be slow enough?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

    You could drop doses slower, like 4 weeks? Give your body a chance to settle.

    I ended up on diazepam for about 18 months. Got down from 4 to 2 and then was really unwell (not necessarily from the diazepam taper) and eventually found venlafaxine, which got my anxiety sorted.

    I dropped another mg (half and then half) over a month or so and was then too scared to drop that last tiny 1mg. Eventually I just did it, actually at the same time as starting a new job after over a year off, and I didn't really notice anything except for the inabillity to sleep. So, I ended up on a small dose of quetiapine for sleep. Seems silly to add another med, but I was on zopiclone as well so have kind of replaces 2 meds with one. And quetiapine doesn't lose it's effectiveness like benzos do.

    I really didn't have any anxiety withdrawals at all, maybe because I was busy and was determined?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , Croatia.

    Re: Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

    Shaz, it might be that you were simply less addicted to it than I was as I was on it for 9 years. Also, you were on another medication whilst withdrawing. I wasn't on anything else at the time.

    Diamond, why not take just one quarter for a few weeks before quitting altogether? The more gradual reduction, the better.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

    Yes I'm going to take the last half slowly ana by dividing it into four. Thank you very much for the advice. Much appricated.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

    Hi DG

    Yep I'll do the same as you initially. 0.125 every month till I get to 0.5 then stop a while

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , Croatia.

    Re: Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

    No problem, I'm glad I could help. Stay strong and determined, and you'll be off the medication in no time!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Any clonzepam/klonopin users for tapering advice

    Good luck buang. Hopefully it you will have an easy time getting off.

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