I haven't been on NMP for awhile. Lately I've been going through a rough patch with my anxiety: it's been bad. Tonight I relapsed and went on google and got myself sooo worked up about dieseases. I've been so good for awhile now about googling and here I am. I'm struggling guys. So I've gained weight over the last year -2 years. I've been noticing myself get more stretch marks because of this, on my inner thighs, legs, hips and now tonight in the mirror I noticed a few on my stomach. I freaked and felt so insecure. I haven't been very good about exercising and eating right. My anxiety makes me pretty inactive. My boyfriend and I have made a point of going for hour walks now and I plan on working out more and dieting as the stretch marks really made me realize I need to get it together because I don't wanna get fat. I was looking up things about stretch marks and then I saw something about Cushings Syndrome being a cause of stretch marks and it freaked me out bad and then I spiraled out of control and googled more about Cushings Syndrome and now I've convinced myself I have it. There are plenty of symptoms of it that I don't have but all my stretch marks are causing me to think I have it still. Or that having anxiety has caused me to get Cushings Syndrome. Anyone who hasn't heard of it is basically having too much cortisone in your body for long periods of time. A benign tumor on a gland I forget the name of. Anyways it scared the heck outta me: only symptoms I have to relate to it is anxiety, fatigue and my stretch marks. Rational me is saying I'm fatigued lately because my anxiety& depression has been so bad lately and I've had anxiety for the last 2 years now so it's not like I've all of a sudden aquired it and my stretch marks are from me gaining weight, I think I've gained 50 lbs in the last couple years now.. from anxiety and not working out and staying active and eating too much. But I can't help but freak out still about having a dieseae and I haven't been this bad in awhile and I'm so upset. I just came here to vent and maybe some advice. Ugh.