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Thread: 12000 PVCs every day... What should I do?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: 12000 PVCs every day... What should I do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaahhfreakout View Post
    I was thinking today that maybe we need to try to note down everything we're doing which could have negative effects.

    Make a list and work on it.

    I think I need a reminder about once a minute to stop doing something unnecessary with my breathing or muscle tensing.
    A list is a good idea, but many here will tell you that making a list will only make the situation worse and cause you to focus more on them. It's a catch 22.

    Yesterday I had terrible palps. It was around 5pm and I was just starting to eat dinner. I don't eat at the table with my family because I have a fear of eating around others. The fear has only been present since I started having palpitations while eating (another vicious cycle). My friend followed me into the main room where I usually eat alone. Because he was in the room my anxiety kicked in while I was eating. I didn't feel scared, or anxious, but subconsciously I was. I had multiple hard bangs in a row. Took my breath away and I almost chocked on my food.

    After I ate food and calmed down I was back to normal.

    It is almost impossible for me to attribute these to anxiety because it's impossible to imagine anxiety can cause so much physical pain.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  2. #12

    Re: 12000 PVCs every day... What should I do?

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    It is almost impossible for me to attribute these to anxiety because it's impossible to imagine anxiety can cause so much physical pain.
    I am in the same situation. I find it hard to believe that it can just be anxiety.

    My palp situation is more or less the same now - I guess I am getting about the same everyday with no reduction in intensity. Furthermore - I believe I am getting chest pains now as well. The difficult thing for me to understand is the pain made up or real. I have this dull local ache on the left side of my chest - it is there on an off during the day and especially so when I wake up in the morning. Strange this is when I really take my mind off this problem (like focus on a presentation at work, really get into a movie etc.) then I don't notice it all that much. I don't know if this can be attributed to anxiety! I am just tired and don't want to go back to the doctors for another round of testing.

    I fear that if this is anxiety - then the situation is getting worse. I fear developing avoidance behaviors, weird and unexplained pains etc. Just having really low quality of life now! Not able to enjoy the things I used to and just feeling plain miserable at times - despite telling myself that I can get over this and should be happy.

    PS - already tried an SSRI to handle the anxiety but my body just couldn't cope. Had severe GI issues for more than a month that I was on them and they just made me more miserable.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: 12000 PVCs every day... What should I do?

    Quote Originally Posted by srinux27 View Post
    I am in the same situation. I find it hard to believe that it can just be anxiety.

    My palp situation is more or less the same now - I guess I am getting about the same everyday with no reduction in intensity. Furthermore - I believe I am getting chest pains now as well. The difficult thing for me to understand is the pain made up or real. I have this dull local ache on the left side of my chest - it is there on an off during the day and especially so when I wake up in the morning. Strange this is when I really take my mind off this problem (like focus on a presentation at work, really get into a movie etc.) then I don't notice it all that much. I don't know if this can be attributed to anxiety! I am just tired and don't want to go back to the doctors for another round of testing.

    I fear that if this is anxiety - then the situation is getting worse. I fear developing avoidance behaviors, weird and unexplained pains etc. Just having really low quality of life now! Not able to enjoy the things I used to and just feeling plain miserable at times - despite telling myself that I can get over this and should be happy.

    PS - already tried an SSRI to handle the anxiety but my body just couldn't cope. Had severe GI issues for more than a month that I was on them and they just made me more miserable.
    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear you're still getting them. They're no fun :( The chest pain is likely related to the anxiety. If you've been given the all the clear on your heart there's little chance it's anything serious.

    I'm still having them daily. The frequency of them is much less, but still getting a good 30 per hour maybe. Around 3pm and 8pm they got crazy for an hour or so before calming down.

    I started citalopram yesterday. I too hate SSRI's. They make me feel sleepy and crap. Turn me into a zombie almost when I first start taking them. I am hoping they improve my quality of life. I'm like you, they ruin my life.

    I say this a lot on here but whenever I talk about them to other forum members they happen to me. I guess that's proof they're anxiety related
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  4. #14

    Re: 12000 PVCs every day... What should I do?


    I wanted to give a quick update on where I am now - my palpitations have reduced significantly . My original holter done back in Sep-17 had about 12,000 over a 24hr period while a more recent one done in Feb-18 recorded about 2,500 over the same time. So that is about an 80% reduction in palps.

    So - I should be happy right? Quite the contrary. Since these have been with me for about a year now., I seem to have developed a very deeply ingrained sense of anxiety about these. I find myself constantly thinking about the palpitations at all times of the day - from the time I wake up, at work, while watching tv and so on. I also have a tight chest and what feels like accompanying chest pains. I have developed a fear of exercise and now struggle to do 30 minutes on the treadmill without feeling breathless. This is despite having undergone 2 treadmill stress tests at the clinic both of which were negative (they pushed me all the way up to 10 METS - about 160 BPM). I keep telling myself - you did fine on the treadmill stress test., what is so different exercising at home?? - but thinking about these things rationally hardly helps.

    In any case - my wife had enough of my depressed and mopey mood. She found a really experienced cardiologist and scheduled an appointment. I had the complete work up - a preliminary analysis by 1 doctor and then a final checkup by another senior cardiologist. Both noticed that I had heart palpitations during the physical examination. They just recommended that I get another ECHO and ECG done. ECG came back with multiple PVCs and ECHO was normal. The ECHO technician noticed the frequent ectopics and tried his best to keep me calm - no luck .

    In any case - long story short: After reviewing the reports the doctors agreed that the total PVC burden was high but that there was nothing to worry about.

    They said the first thing I need to do is accept that PVC's are not a disease. They happen to everyone and most often for no reason at all. They are not a diagnosis. Agreed that PVC's happen when you have heart problems - but you are likely to have far more severe symptoms when that happens.

    Their advise was to just forget them and learn to ACCEPT and ADJUST.

    That's it. No medications - no other tests, no follow ups and no MRI.

    Strangely - after this last visit., I seem to be a little more accepting and relaxed. I guess the type of doctor that you meet makes a difference. The team that I met was very reassuring and honest.

    Anyways - I am still fighting the battle with anxiety and hope that I am moving towards recovery. I just wanted to share as this forum has been a source of relief for me. I just found it very comforting that I am not alone when it comes to these horrible palpitations!!

  5. #15

    Re: 12000 PVCs every day... What should I do?

    Anxiety is often NOT the culprit. It is the vagus nerve and often also people having many digestive issues. acid reflux, gass..
    Anxiety is often the result of the problem...the one that makes the problem worse or longer..( sustains longer because of it)..
    It is hardly the cause. Any doctor who tells you this has no idea why you have he has to come up with something

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