I have (apparently) severe anxiety and OCD.

My symptoms are a bit non-standard. I don't have any physical symptoms and I don't have panic attacks. My only symptom really is constant dread and a very strong sense that I'm going to die soon.

It came on very suddenly, literally in one moment, about two months ago, when a doctor told me I'd need a general anaesthetic. Ever since then I've been non functional - can barely eat, can't work or go out, my mother is looking after me, etc. Before, I was happy, social, and hard working.

Leading up to this I was having a difficult miscarriage and relationship problems.

So, I really really hope I just have some sort of non-standard anxiety / OCD / PTSD. Often, I can't believe that's the case and think that actually I probably am going to die soon.

I am willing to try anything at this point, even though everything seems futile. Do you think Citalopram will help with these symptoms? How long will it take to work? How will I feel at first?

Thanks very much,
