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Thread: I got my first full-time job. Tips?

  1. #1

    I got my first full-time job. Tips?

    Hi everyone!

    I am 25 years old and I just got my first full-time job. I graduated in June of this year and from then I have been job hunting! So I was delighted to be offered a full-time position in the civil service.

    I have only worked once before, it was a part-time position and I only stayed for 4 months (I left because I started uni). My anxiety has definitely stopped me from looking for full-time employment before but I decided its now or never. However, despite this, I am so nervous as I start this Monday! I have fears that I think almost everyone has when starting a new job (being bad at the job, making mistakes, fitting in etc.). Though, I also have fears regarding my anxiety disorder (i.e. taking a panic attack at work, not being able to perform due to anxiety etc.).

    I really want to be successful at this job and to become a happier, healthier person. From past experiences I know that constant stimulation, exposure, routine and structure are the best treatment for me personally when it comes to anxiety so in the long run, I think full-time work is going to be amazing for me. However, in the short run, I am worried on how I will cope. I have spent 4 months now (from graduation) sleeping all day and staying up all night, I haven't left the house much as I haven't had anything to do which has made me slip back into avoiding any situations that would provoke anxiety, my diet has been bad etc. So basically, I am wondering if anyone could provide me with any tips on how to cope for the first few weeks of my new full-time job?

    Oh and my diagnosis is agoraphobia (though I would say its mild as I can leave my home, I just don't like being in situations where there isn't a quick and easy escape). I don't have social anxiety at all, I am quite extroverted (which tends to confuse a lot of people who don't understand that we are all different!). Typically, my anxiety is triggered by feelings of physical discomfort (i.e. being tired, too warm, hungry, headache) and the fear of panicking. Yep, I get anxious about the prospect of getting anxious

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: I got my first full-time job. Tips?

    Hi wendy,

    Big congratulations on the new job!

    Like you say it's entirely natural to be anxious about a new job, but you have the added thing of the anxiety disorder. It sounds to me like you've got a good handle on your own mind and like you say for a lot of people having the structure of a full time job does you wonders.

    I don't really have any tips unfortunately but just want to wish you all the best for it. I'm sure you'll do fantastically

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: I got my first full-time job. Tips?

    I want to wish you well too and with an attitude like that you are sure to do really well despite having to cope with the challenges an anxiety disorder can bring. All the very best for when you start and please tell us how you are getting on?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Re: I got my first full-time job. Tips?

    Hey Wendy congratulations on getting the new job.

    I wish you well and I’m certain all will be ok.
    You are bound to be anxious, I have a feeling you are going to do just fab !once you have a routine and structure it’s going to be ok
    Understand how you feel around people not understanding/being confused with how we cope with certain things and yet other things we can struggle with

    Best wishes

  5. #5

    Re: I got my first full-time job. Tips?

    Hi Wendy
    I would recommend getting some exercise maybe a lunch and eating healthy and get plenty of sleep drink plenty of water too. Try some meditation or yoga at night. Good luck with your job. I have agorophobia too. Running every day is what helps me and im vegetarian.

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