Hi. I would like to hear from anyone who has experienced unusual throat spasms when falling asleep.

For many years I have had sleep problems - waking up during REM and feeling panic, heart racing, sweating, tremors etc.etc.

One of the symptoms I experience after an 'attack', ie. at the point where I am feeling more relaxed and close to falling asleep again, is a very strange throat spasm. The best way I can describe it is like an exaggerated swallow reflex, but in reverse. Sometimes my airway is blocked for a second or two (by my tongue I guess) and this really frightens me.

I am scared that I am having epileptic focal seizures and that it might last longer and I will suffocate.

Sometimes it is just a small ripple and at worst it is like a wave going up my throat.

Has anyone else had this strange sensation?

I know that when falling asleep it is common and quite normal to have hypnic jerks - limbs kicking out for example, but I have never heard of anyone having throat spasms.

Thank you for reading.