Hi! I found this forum while searching for inderal/propranolol info and im kind of desperate and in need of a little advise if someone have the time to read this..

I have adhd and take concerta for it. They give me heartpalpitations and extreeeeme anxiety. My doc prescribed me inderal (propranolol) and they have somehow rescued me. Now here is the problem. Im allowed to take 60 mg each day maximum (instant release). Now i know that people cAn take 40x3 a day for anxiety, but my doctor is really careful. Im switching doctors for several reasons, and while i wait for my new one i have to survive with this anxiety

My bloodpressure is perfect. My pulse is really high (without medication). Ive been taking inderal 60 mg twice a day, 6 hours in Between. More than im allowed. Ive taken my pulse regularly. In the morning, before inderal it is 100 beats per minute. After inderal, it goes down do between 60-70 and stays like that all day. Ive been feeling really fine. But since my doc said its too much, i am so scared of like dying from this. But when i take lower doses, it doesnt help. And this anxiety kills me, i cant breathe. And 60 mg twice takes it all away.

I want to continue taking this much until i meet with my new doctor and we can maybe swich meds or something. I think this will take like 2 months. Meanwhile, is it okey to take 60 times two? Or is 60 at once too much for my heart? Can it stopp? My pulse have been 60 at lowest. Been taking this dosage for two weeks. I just want to survive until my new doctor helps me.. so how dangerous is this? And what precautions can i take so its not dangerous?

Ill be really thankful if someone can help me. I cant have this anxiety, it cripples me.. thankks