I'm moving to Canada from Australia. My fiance and my mum are coming over (mum only for a a week) and I am freaking out so badly I am considering cancelling my flight. I am so scared I will get motion sickness, I've never had motion sickness from cars or when I was on a cruise and we went through a storm, would a plane give me motion sickness if those haven't? I've heard it's rare on planes but I can't stop panicking.

My doctor told me to take valium but not how much to take she just said "whatever you think is best". I already take 7.5mg a day (have done that for 2 years) but it doesn't stop the panic completely it just lowers it so I can eat without completely freaking out, what dosage of valium should I take to make me not care at all about if I get sick or being trapped on the plane?