Hey all! I'm new to this forum, and for several years I have dealt with Anxiety and OCD. My current fixation is on my breathing, and it has been this way for the past two months now. I suffer from conscious breathing and hyperventilating to a degree it interferes with my functionality as a person. I can hardly eat, drink, sleep, or go out in public without my anxiety haunting me constantly. I feel a constant need to control my breathing, even though IT IS an involuntary process. I have little to no mechanisms or techniques to fight against this problem. Luckily, my therapist at college will be starting CBT with me as soon as I get back from winter break, but that isn't for another 3 weeks. For now, I'm asking you all to lend me a hand with any and all advice you may have! Please help, I'll do anything to beat back this fear. I'm also dealing with a fear of schizophrenia, as I'm worried that every sound I hear is a hallucination. I know that the sounds are just noises from my environment, though, my mind always thinks "what if?" It's ruining my life at this point...