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Thread: Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

  1. #1

    Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

    Hi, guys just a quick question regarding this I have anxiety and I’m going through a tough phase at the moment. I’m terrified I have pancreatic cancer. Because of this I recently lost my appetite and was not eating properly for a few days (mainly just had 1 main meal a day) I have also become obsessed with weighing myself and I’ve dropped around 7lbs in weight in about 10-14 days. Is that normal considering I’ve only dropped to one meal a day? Also I read a story about a woman who had pancreatic cancer and she said she felt like she had a tennis ball stuck to her Back and couldn’t get comfy in a chair now that’s all I think about when I sit down and I have to keep shuffling around.

    My question is would the weight just keep coming off and off if I had something seriously wrong ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

    You are not eating and losing weight but think it's a serious illness. No, it's the not eating.

    Go back to a normal healthy diet, if you are still losing weight then speak to a physician. But losing weight while not eating isnt sinister.

  3. #3

    Re: Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

    I went a saw a doctor last week and he said I have worn away the mucous of my stomach with my bad diet ( I have to admit it is atrocious) so I’m starting to eat relatively normal now but I used to live on fizzy drinks which I’ve stopped having and also a lot of processed foods so could that also be a reason why the weight is not pileing back on ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

    The weight will keep coming off and coming off if you aren't eating enough calories. One meal per day isn't enough, unless it's an exceptionally calorific one. Even then, it's not a good way to eat. You need sustained energy throughout the day.

    As Toddsmum says, if you are losing lots of weight whilst eating normally, that's a different thing.
    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

    Quote Originally Posted by Supremeteam View Post
    I went a saw a doctor last week and he said I have worn away the mucous of my stomach with my bad diet ( I have to admit it is atrocious) so I’m starting to eat relatively normal now but I used to live on fizzy drinks which I’ve stopped having and also a lot of processed foods so could that also be a reason why the weight is not pileing back on ?
    Yes. You've done incredibly well by eliminating a whole load of unhealthy calories from your diet, it's not easy giving up fizzy drinks. I find them slightly addictive. I think it's losing those calories that is keeping the weight off, what you're probably seeing is your body reacting to the healthy change as let's be honest that's the reason most of us go on diets. To see that change.

    Were you overweight at the start of this? Is that why perhaps it looks more severe? If you're worried your new eating regime will make you underweight you could ask to speak to a nutritionist or dietician. There are drinks like ensure that will boost your calorie intake but do it in a healthy way. I'm willing to bet that in a month's time you will be feeling fantastic and full of energy as your new diet takes effect.

  6. #6

    Re: Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

    I started Off at 15st, I’m 29 and about 6ft. I was 15st still about 14 days ago I’m now weighing in between 14st 7lbs and sometimes upto 14st 11lbs. I’ve not gone any lower than about 14st 5lbs and I’ve put weight on since then a few days ago. Today my latest weight was 14st 7lbs.

    ---------- Post added at 21:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

    I’ve not physically changed in appearance. All my clothing still fits lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

    Quote Originally Posted by Supremeteam View Post
    I started Off at 15st, I’m 29 and about 6ft. I was 15st still about 14 days ago I’m now weighing in between 14st 7lbs and sometimes upto 14st 11lbs. I’ve not gone any lower than about 14st 5lbs and I’ve put weight on since then a few days ago. Today my latest weight was 14st 7lbs.

    ---------- Post added at 21:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

    I’ve not physically changed in appearance. All my clothing still fits lol
    Going by online weight conversions you seem to be almost spot on now but these can be a bit irrelevant as it's all about how you look, feel about yourself. Muscle also comes into play.

    I think you should try and put your anxiety to the side for a couple of weeks and continue your healthy eating. Say in your head you will revisit it in say three weeks and see how you feel about yourself then.

  8. #8

    Re: Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

    Anxiety can be really nasty when we are stressed. It affects our appetite. I am going threw the same thing Iv lost 18lbs in 18 days. Its very normal to drop weight not only is your body in a state of panic burning more calories but you also are not eating much. And our mind is really powerful. It can make you physically feel symptoms that are probably easily explained. Like I had huge pain in my left arm one day, I thought I was having a heart attack but not minutes befor I felt that I had read that arm pain was a sign of a heart attack. Another example of this is tell yourself your itchy and soon you will actually feel itchy. Our minds are powerful. Anxiety releases Adrenalin and sometimes it causes actual symptoms that are just stress. The medicine we have today is very accurate, there are rare cases it dosn't catch it but its so rare that that happens your more likely to be struck by lightning then actually having said thing after being checked out by a doctor and given the Okay. Feel better

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

    Quote Originally Posted by Fuzzydoggo View Post
    Anxiety can be really nasty when we are stressed. It affects our appetite.
    When my wife took ill, I lost over 15 pounds in the 2+ months she was in the hospital. Stress really messes with your body! I had twitches, nausea in the mornings, stomach issues, insomnia etc. etc... The thing is, I knew it was stress. It stayed around for a good 6 months after she came home because I was on high alert watching her for signs of a relapse. As things settled down and became the new normal, the the stress lessened and so did all those nasty side effects of stress.

    So yep... anxiety or not, stress wreaks havoc on the human condition.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Health anxiety, loss of appetite and weight loss

    Quote Originally Posted by Supremeteam View Post
    I started Off at 15st, I’m 29 and about 6ft. I was 15st still about 14 days ago I’m now weighing in between 14st 7lbs and sometimes upto 14st 11lbs. I’ve not gone any lower than about 14st 5lbs and I’ve put weight on since then a few days ago. Today my latest weight was 14st 7lbs.

    ---------- Post added at 21:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

    I’ve not physically changed in appearance. All my clothing still fits lol
    You were actually pretty overweight to start with, so losing 7lbs in a couple of weeks by undereating is nothing.

    I was ill recently, and lost 22lbs in about 10 days, to put things into perspective.

    The requirement to eat throughout the day is actually a myth. As long as you get enough calories and nutrients in your system, it doesn't actually matter when you eat (although it's best not to eat for a couple of hours before you sleep).

    I would focus on changing what you eat first. Make sure you get enough fruit and veg in your diet and stay off the soft drinks.

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