Hi everyone, I've suffered agoraphobia for 10+ years.
Going to give a background story here so feel free to skip to the next paragraph if too long winded;

Started off suffering IBS/D symptoms followinf contraception injection. The D was chronic...at 6 foot weight plummeted to 5 stone 6...was prescribed immodium which i took for 7 years and ultimately stopped working (it was helpful to a degree but duffered cramps) also questran/steroids. Codeine helped for a few years but again grew tolerant. Saw gastro a few times and had endoscopy both up and down and through stomache...showed slight irritation in small bowel. Got to the poiny boiked white rice or white toast was unbearable and caused dash to the loo. Test for celiacs etc all negative. Dr gave an antibiotic meteonizadole.....total life changer...for the first time in years could eat and pain was less., but the toll of 10+years left my nerves a wreck and have issues with toilets....short joirneys have to mapped to avoid traffic lights and no where all exit routes and toilets are (standard agoraphobic behaviour) ...always carried wet wipes, codeine and fresh undies...just incase (i know...how classy right?!)

Finally gave in and went to see a PN as due to several events was now suffering monophobia and breaking down anytime i was left in the house alone....puts strain on your OH when they have to leave for work, also i work from home so was impacting that due to the freak outs i was experiencing.....tried sertraline...quit after 4 days as severe D. Citalopram....dulls everything but not enougj to quit panic attacks I have been on pregabalin for 1 month now. Got tonsay 1st 2 days were as if i was drunk...coordination was ofg and wobbly...but very calm....and slept like a baby ( started on 50mg twice a day).. upped to 75mg twice a day...has really helped the GAD a lot, apetite is through the roof and have gained 6 pounds in a month. .. and no loose stools..which is fantastic for me...for others that may be a drawback. However not enough to stop the intense fear of being left alone so been on diazepham to take on a morning to get over the initial being on own stage.

Anyhoo...just been to Dr's and been given to start mirtazipine 15mg tonight to help with the anxiety and gain weight.....slighlty nervous as a lot of reviews are stating were left very dizzy etc and with me being alone in the house tomorrow worried incase this is gunna be a frightening experience....

Just wondered if anyone has tried this for agoraphobia or monophobia and had any success and if anyone can give any idea on how bad the drowziness was?

Will update daily as a diary kinda thingnif anyone interested and just want to keep a diary and update

Much love

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