Hello, I'm Laura. Sorry about the short introduction but I'm not in a good place at the moment, and could really use some advice or friendly words (if that's okay)!

Basically, I had to collect my fiance from work yesterday and bring him home because he wouldn't stop vomiting. Last night, he's had a bed on the sofa, and I was holed up in the bedroom, chatting to him through a closed door. I've been checking he's okay, encouraging him to sip water, but I still feel like this phobia of vomiting has turned me into the worst girlfriend in the world. :( He says he completely understands that I'm scared out of my wits, and hasn't minded me shutting myself away, or bleaching everything he's touched so far, but I wish I could react differently!

The truth is, I'm terrified. I'm nearly 5 months pregnant and my immune system is already slacking because of the baby (I'm already catching colds too easily, like the one I caught last week and the sore throat that's still lingering after two weeks!) and I just do not want to catch what he's got on top of everything else. We live in a really small apartment with one bathroom. Bless him, he's not using the bathroom and is instead puking into a trash can because he's thinking of me...

Am I right in assuming stomach viruses cannot be transmitted through saliva before symptoms rear their ugly head (vomiting and diarrhoea)? I ask out of concern for the baby... He was feeling dodgy last night and then kissed me goodbye this morning before leaving for work, then he became violently ill at work.

Thank you so much, and so sorry my first post is of this nature. :(