Hi Ladies,

I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced fluctuating periods? Last month I had a really heavy period, I actually leaked two days in a row which is most unlike me. I put it down to stress and change of routine as I suddenly lost my job before Christmas and it was incredibly hard to deal with (and still is - I'm still out of work).

The heavy bleeding actually really frightened me and I was dreading it happening again this month, I have been experiencing proper anxiety around it. However, despite having awful period pain yesterday (not uncommon for me) it has been so light! I still need to wear protection but it's probably 50% less bleeding than what I normally get. The colour is also light like at the end of a period (mixed with red). Sorry if TMI I'm just really worried.

I highly doubt I'm pregnant (I think I've lost too much for that) and I'm pretty sure I'm too young for the change!

Anyone else suffered fluctuating / unusual periods when going through a time of significant stress? Can you get a heavy month followed by a light? I can't help worrying that it means there's something wrong.

Thanks all xx