So I've booked an appt with my GP but just wanted to get some advice from anyone who might have a hiatus hernia.

I've had IBS for years and years. I also suffer from acid reflux but I used to find a couple of months of Lansaprazole cured the reflux for a period of time.

For about the last 2 years my IBS/Reflux has slowly got worse. I've been to the GP and they just pump me with more pills for IBS.

I've also over the last few years developed constipation as a result of my IBS and I have read this can lead to a hernia.

So what I currently experience on almost a daily basis is discomfort which seems to worsen towards the end of the day and gets noticeably worse at nighttime. It feels like wind and if I can manage to pass wind the discomfort lessens.

I also find I get pain in my throat it's like a stabbing pain which can radiate through to the back and in addition I get a lot of belching/hiccups. I've also noticed I am regurgitating food. Not all the time but quite frequently and the other day in the gym I bent down and got a mouthful of regurgitated food (sorry tmi), this was a good few hours after I'd eaten.

The reason I was thinking about a hernia is because the Lansaprozale doesn't seem to be working and I've always got this discomfort in my throat/upper abdomen. I also do suffer from constipation which equals a lot of straining.

The only thing that did concern me was the other night I had the discomfort, went to bed and the discomfort got worse and worse to the point I needed to have a BM. After I went it eased for a couple of hours then I had a really bad sharp pain which felt like I was either going to be sick or pass out. I passed wind and the pain went so I assume it was just a build up of trapped wind.

I just feel like I've constantly got trapped wind.

Obviously I will speak to the GP but does this sound like hernia pain? The pain/discomfort is usually above the belly button, almost like a band under my ribs. If I pass wind it seems to move downwards and then slowly disappears.

Sorry just wanted to get some opinions I don't want to jump on the HA train but it feels like I've got so many symptoms and I don't want the Dr to just do the "IBS/Reflux" response which they seem to do all the time!