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Thread: Up sh@t creak

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Up sh@t creak

    So having struggled to stay afloat for god knows how long today the rug gets pulled out again , if you feel ok don't read on its going get real depressing.
    For those who know me you'll know my partner has been physically and mentally unwell for a very long time , heart issues , pneumonia at least ten times in the last 18 months , hospitalised twice for overdoses so we've been claiming pip and carers , because of my own mental health problems plus some physical ones lve only worked part time for myself , the long winter has been tough and my work has dried up , so due to the new fantastic government shake up partner had to have an assessment, the letter came back today and was pretty unbelievable, half of it was pack of lies , the woman who did the assessment said my partner said she enjoyed going out socialising with her freinds and daughter , sounds harsh but she no longer has any freinds she hasn't been out with or had a freind round in well over ten years she doesn't like people in general because of her depression , she only leaves the house with me except on rare occasions.
    Long and short of it is they say she is fit for work without contacting her psychiatrist , Gp or hospital consultant all of which would say no way she is fit for work .
    So the situation from today is no money coming in , no savings left except enough to cover us for maybe a month , neither of us are well enough to work full time , we have some rent arrears from a few years ago so if we miss a payment we are out , basically as the title says .
    She's contacted her psychiatrist who says they didn't even contact him , there is an appeals process but we don't know how long it takes or the chances of the outcome being any different , has anyone been through the appeal ?
    Trying hard not to cave in but we both know prospects are not good , it's hard to see any way out right now other than a cupboard full of morphine and codien that the bleeding chemist keeps sending , nothing can be done until Monday now anyway so just sit and worry .
    Thanks and sorry for the depressing post .

  2. #2
    KK77's Avatar
    KK77 is offline NMP Complaints Mismanagement Controller
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    Re: Up sh@t creak

    You have to appeal, Buster. It does take time, and it's a real emotional drain on both of you, but you must start appeal process ASAP. I would think you have very good chances of getting "decision" changed if it goes to tribunal. You have to start Mandatory Reconsideration process by writing to DWP or filling out section in letter you received from them. In the meantime, they should still pay you benefit until appeal process is over.

    Be strong and push ahead. You can both do it!

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Buster that's CRAP mate. It really makes my blood boil, they just pass everybody fit no matter what. You need to take it to mandatory reconsideration then tribunal if that's not successful. Do you get housing benefit? If not you should.

    ---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:12 ----------

    Buster, As KK has said they still have to pay your benefits whilst your appealing. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry, they can't leave you with no money.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Definitely start an appeal

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Contact fightback4justice they are currently handling my appeal and are really good
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Just the news you didn't want, Buster..I'm so sorry you have to contend with this but as others have said you have to appeal. Excellent advice from Elen who has obviously been through the mill with a similar experience. I'm sure I'll have to do the same for my daughter in due course when her DLA becomes PIP.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    I'm sorry to hear you are having all this horrible hassle with these clowns, Buster. And you too, Elen, and glad to hear you are getting support.

    Some interesting info to consider, Buster:

    In the first quarter of 2013/14, the success rate for DLA claimants was 40% of 16,229 appeals. This has risen to 56% of claimants winning 2,435 appeals in the first quarter of 2015/16.
    The picture for ESA is very similar.
    ESA success rates have risen from 42% of 77,289 appeals in the first quarter of 2013/14up to 58% of 12,101 appeals in the first quarter of 2015/16.
    PIP success rates for claimants have risen from 26% of 81 appeals in quarter 4 of 2013/14 – the first time there were any PIP appeals - to 57% of 7,931 appeals in the first quarter of 2015/16.


    According to statistics from the Tribunal Service, the success rate for PIP appeals in the last quarter of 2015/16 is 63%; up from 53% in the same period of the year before.
    The rate of successful appeals has gone up quarter by quarter since PIP was introduced – and the number of appeals heard has also gone up very significantly, from 3,826 to 15,971. The DWP introduced the “mandatory reconsideration” as an extra step claimants have to complete before going to appeal, but even with this, a clear majority of cases that go to appeal find in favour of the claimant.


    Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessments have been branded a “total failure” as 69% of people appealing them at a tribunal now win their case.
    That is the highest percentage success rate ever recorded since the benefit launched in 2013.
    Today’s figures show that between October and December 2017, 20,144 benefit tribunals were completed – and 13,881 ended in victory for the claimant.

    It may seem like an impossible battle but look just how many who fight back win their cases?

    The quality of some of these "assessors" can't be beyond that of a hospital porter so it's worrying why so many mess it up but it's also about people without any real knowledge making assessments. They don't have to be trained in the area they are assessing...they might as well get any admin clerk doing it!

    I cam completely understand how this is too much to take on. There were people at the walk-in groups going through this with ESA when I was there and they found the form filling daunting let alone the meetings themselves. One of the coordinators had been through it and reassured the group the appeals process was much smoother with people who understood the issues and were more understanding to the claimant.

    This issue has always been a national disgrace, present & previous governments, Labour & Tory. A total mess. From listening to others and reading about the cases in the press I've always seen it as a sieve process. A "kick them all off and see who takes us to task" approach. The trouble is, it doesn't just boot off the scammers that were loathed but also people like us who find it daunting. And the process was never any use for mental health, it was all about physical problems. I've heard some utterly worthless tests the assessors do to assess fitness (one was if the claimant with anxiety could use a pen and cook for themselves they were fit) as well as support workers/nurses talk about people mentally disabled who couldn't even cross the street alone being signed off!

    And then there are the lovely healthcare staff working as assessors who actively lie causing great distress like yours. Paying them commission seemed to pull in the scumbags who do it for money and don't care about people.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Hi , thanks for the kind words and support I do appreciate it a lot I do feel utterly ashamed and embarrassed that it's come to this
    In my usual style I did somthing possibly a little weird , took a diazepam to take the edge off , packed the van and buggered off 100 miles to the coast with partner and dogs , there is nothing that can be done until Monday and the state my partner was in it seemed better to be away from a house full of drugs , being away makes the problems seem smaller ( ok burying our heads in the sand a bit ) .
    I've downloaded a template letter for the mandatory reconsideration process so just fill in the parts that apply along with a letter from the shrink and doc ,plus a letter to explain why their decision is wrong and to ask why half of the assessment was completely fabricated, the two biggest lies were her going out with freinds she doesn't have and being able manage money matters ok when she pointed out she was in arrears with rent , rates and had run up bank overdrafts for no reason .
    I checked on the woman who did the assessment and she doesn't seem to have any medical qualifications but seems to know better than a psychiatrist or consultant.
    As for money we don't claim housing or council tax benefits we paid our own it was too complicated unless I gave up work all together and as for the pip and carers the letter said it was stopped completely from the 8th last week with no mention of what to do about living just a warning to say if you claim for car tax which I don't I should now tax my car .
    The thought that I'm not letting the b'stards grind me down or win is keeping me going for now , that and a photo of my grandkids .
    Again thanks . Ps sat at a beach cafe this morning and didn't feel like walking into the sea .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    That's not in the least weird, if anything that's a great response. Why spend the weekend worrying and seeing your partner upset when you can be stoic about it and say sod it I'm going to have a nice day out.

    It's burying your head when you can but don't want to. Choosing to get on with life and face it when the correct time comes is exactly what a therapist would be telling us all to do.

    Have a nice day. The weather is good here so hopefully it's an ice cream day on the beach for you. Any donkeys?
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Good on you Buster

    Great idea to escape to the seaside, as you say you can't do anything until Monday.

    Take Care Mate!

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