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Thread: Up sh@t creak

  1. #231
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    oh bless you and your mum wishing your mum a speedy recovery and wishing you well buster take care xx
    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart -Helen Keller

  2. #232
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Wouldn't it be good if every day was like this Buster? But then we wouldn't appreciate them, would we?

    Good to hear your Mum is picking up-such a relief for you.

  3. #233
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    In a strange sort of way, your mum probably needed that visit to the hospital, so they could check her out as she hasn't been good for a while. And that moment of closeness you had with her, I had the same with my mum. We were not touchy feely, but in those sort of circumstances it comes out and it is nice because deep down there is love.

    ---------- Post added at 09:14 ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 ----------

    I love a good day like that and people like us appreciate them tenfold.

  4. #234
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Good to hear your mum is making some progress, Buster

    ...and if you get lost around Burton On Trent you just head for the brewery
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #235
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Me and partner have said for while she needs to go in hospital carnation but she hates the places ( who doesn't ) tonight's visit was like going to the loony bin ,they seem to have put all of the dementia sufferers on this ward , an old Irish woman was opposite, she was screaming and when the nurses came to sort her out she started shouting I hope you are all good Cristian's then launched into a tirade of abuse " you broke my f£&king arm you b£&ch , you big black headed b£&ch, b&@ch dog Mary mother of God etc " my mum laughed and said "that wasn't very Cristian " shouldn't laugh but it was like father ted meets the exorcist .costing a fortune in car parking fees but tonight the barrier had broke so no charge , result
    Terry I have never seen a city with so many pubs every other house is a makeshift pub even rows of terraced housed have three knocked together for pub ,it must have been great place for pub crawl back in the day , lots of derelict buildings now though it's looking very run down , bit further down the A50 and I'd be in your neck of the woods right ? You'd recognise me , In a van looking lost , singing away and oblivious to the mayhem around me , beep beeep

  6. #236
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    I just had a giggle Buster. Been there. Might be there myself one day!!!!! but not just yet. Glad you had free parking
    Talking about Pubs Our locals three of them derelict or shut down. No pubs.
    Hope things improve with your Mum and Partner. All The Best x

  7. #237
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Thanks magic , youth is wasted on the young getting older is no fun except it seems you can say exactly what you are thinking and get away with it , you seem young at heart , I miss smokey smelly pubs , what do young people do now ?
    Crashed today , i knew it was coming rushing around trying to be everywhere at once and not sleeping , got up feeling like death warmed up and stayed that way , still managed to get things done but it was like wading through treacle.
    Mum seems to be getting better and might be coming out tomorrow, partner visited her today and they both enjoyed it , it was nice they seemed close after what's happened in the past , it is a shame by tomorrow she won't remember.
    Made time for a quick pumpkin , happy Halloween
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #238
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Like the Spidey pumpkin, that's some expert carving that would make a serial killer nod with approval

    ---------- Post added at 01:43 ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster70 View Post
    Me and partner have said for while she needs to go in hospital carnation but she hates the places ( who doesn't ) tonight's visit was like going to the loony bin ,they seem to have put all of the dementia sufferers on this ward , an old Irish woman was opposite, she was screaming and when the nurses came to sort her out she started shouting I hope you are all good Cristian's then launched into a tirade of abuse " you broke my f£&king arm you b£&ch , you big black headed b£&ch, b&@ch dog Mary mother of God etc " my mum laughed and said "that wasn't very Cristian " shouldn't laugh but it was like father ted meets the exorcist .costing a fortune in car parking fees but tonight the barrier had broke so no charge , result
    Terry I have never seen a city with so many pubs every other house is a makeshift pub even rows of terraced housed have three knocked together for pub ,it must have been great place for pub crawl back in the day , lots of derelict buildings now though it's looking very run down , bit further down the A50 and I'd be in your neck of the woods right ? You'd recognise me , In a van looking lost , singing away and oblivious to the mayhem around me , beep beeep
    Glad to hear your mum might be well enough to come out. I bet she can't wait to get out of there?

    Yeah, when they are old they have a habit of putting them into dementia wards for the sake of it. It must be very distressing. Probably find some of the dementia patients are in there until they find a more suitable place?

    Any concerns, raise it and see if they can get her in a private room?

    I've not been around Burton for ages but yeah it's pretty much known as that place with the brewery to us.

    Yep, once you get past Uttoxeter race course you are heading for me. You will know once you are here, we have a security booth vetting people's opinions on oatcakes and whether Port Vale are rubbish. If you like oatcakes and think Vale are naff, you're in!
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  9. #239
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Thanks Terry ,mother is indeed now home and for the first time in a few years she slept in a bed , me and bro got one like the Hospital beds and put it in the back room , her head had pretty much fused downwards so she can't look up and need some a Zimmer frame to walk but she did seem more cheery at home and rang me today which she hasn't done in months .
    Got a weirdo pestering me on eBay tonight which has ramped up the anxiety again 19 messages in an hour all freaking stupid ones and now he's bought something I've got to have him come round to collect it , not looking forward to that .
    There always seems to be somthing to stop me being relaxed .
    Thanks for being there once again .
    Ps what's an owtcake ? Some sort of nothern delicacy?

  10. #240
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    So been really struggling this last week anxiety will not let up , I wake up and within a few minutes it's taken over and stays all day like an uninvited guest, I can't breathe normally I'm in constant pain from tensing up so much , I can't sleep , so even with all this I'm still trying to carry on as normal , it's like dragging a huge ball and chain around with you all day long .
    Now this morning I had to take the kids to school , I was struggling with the task of two kids , bags ,coats and then just out side the school an old woman with a young lad did a face plant straight into the pavement , I was about fifty feet away but a man was jogging past her probably what unsettled her , he looked round at her face down and jogged on , what an absolute c**t , I ran up and my grandson ran through the school gate to nursery , I thought he'd be safe so I helped her up to her feet , covered in blood and clearly broken her nose she was apologising , I reassured her and another chap came and offered to take her to the school office while I found buzz lightyear ( my grandson children in need day ) some days you just see the best and worst of mankind , I seriously hope that jogger treads in dog shite every day for the rest of his life .
    Tucked up in a caravan down the coast now ,drive here was hell but worth it , wearing partners comfy pink jumper which she finds hilarious as do my daughters now photos have been sent home but I'm cosy no one is around including the fashion police so who cares .
    I need to see an act of human kindness to restore my faith.
    Rant over and out .

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