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Thread: Up sh@t creak

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Unfortunately many people will now be trying to pull a fast one under the anxiety and depression mantle...which makes it all the more difficult for those with a genuine, life-affecting disability like your case, Buster.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    That's exactly why this has happened Pulisa.
    As far as they are concerned, if you can walk and talk and can answer the questions rationally, then you can work. Their outcome of your present state is based solely on their very selective questions, which is unfair!
    It can also be twisted around to sound more in their favour. You might say you attended a Wedding or even a funeral, so they put down that you socialise regularly!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    I do understand why they are trying to stop scroungers from abusing the system..because it has been abused obviously in the past. We just all suffer now from that legacy. "Anxiety and depression" covers such a wide spectrum but you can't have a one size fits all criteria and assessors have to be trained in detecting the whingers and malingerers from those genuinely in distress and incapacitated.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    I do understand why they are trying to stop scroungers from abusing the system..because it has been abused obviously in the past. We just all suffer now from that legacy. "Anxiety and depression" covers such a wide spectrum but you can't have a one size fits all criteria and assessors have to be trained in detecting the whingers and malingerers from those genuinely in distress and incapacitated.
    There's a question mark over whether that is the intention of these reviews. If they are intended to weed out the scroungers then the failure rate is high and suggests they are not fit for purpose.

    How much money is wasted on appeals? But I guess it might be weighed up against how much is gained by saving on those people too afraid to challenge.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Terry, that's exactly the point!
    The rate is high for those that don't appeal for the plain fact that they are mentally unable to do this, especially victims on their own with no-one to help fight their battles.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnation View Post
    Terry, that's exactly the point!
    The rate is high for those that don't appeal for the plain fact that they are mentally unable to do this, especially victims on their own with no-one to help fight their battles.
    I know I would find it challenging, it would up my anxiety for sure.

    I wonder how hard it is for those more complex mental health disorders? And what of those going through periods of psychosis? I guess we have to hope they have family because not turning up because you've been sectioned will just be a tick in the box for sanctions and how could you get your head around following that up when you're struggling just to get by each day?

    Imagine those coming out of hospital after self harm? It's scary to think how they could be treated by uncaring system. Thank god for charities & advocacy services.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    I know my daughter would be absolutely devastated if she were to lose her DLA/PIP. It would severely impact on her mental health and she would consider herself a fraud. She would believe the assessors.

    I would be able to appeal on her behalf though but the psychological damage would have already been done. The result of the appeal would be irrelevant. It wouldn't be about the financial side of things-more the shame of being perceived as a fake.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Hi guys , back home now , firstly thanks to all that have replied and offered advice and support , I know others will be in this position who don't feel they can ask and may get some help from this thread .
    I've read quite a lot about the appeal process and the best way to go about it , I want to get this right so plenty of letters , the amount of people on Google who are saying the assessor lied about what had been said is unbelievable, on my partners letter there are at least three complete lies but the complaints process is a joke , the main problem with the Dwp is no one is accountable for the assessors actions , if plumber messed up and someone died because of his work he'd be locked up but if they say you are fit for work against doctors advice and you drop dead or kill yourself that's the end of it no one has to answer for it , it's almost impossible to make any complaints against them .
    So you know I spend a lot of time pondering about people and the world we live in , I sat at the beach again this morning not wanting to come home , it crossed my mind that we talk on here but have no idea what people look like ( well most ) I could be sat saying morning to another member or having a chat and not even know , we all go about our days hiding our guilty secret , maybe the biker stood staring out to sea could have been bikermatt ok he have to be driven there in his leathers until he fixed up and back on the road , who knows where we all spend our days , the loonies are walking among us .
    The other thing that I noticed is animals also like to stare out to sea maybe looking for the answers or maybe looking to see what I'm staring at .
    Attached photo of ma dowg this morning , the other one was hiding behind me to keep warm and whining to go home .
    Ta ta
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    the loonies are walking among us .
    Well, thats freaked me out now, never considered that until you said it I'm going to be ultra suspicious and on the 'look out' now.

    Look at all those wind turbines, that s amazing!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Up sh@t creak

    Great photo Buster. Looks as know your dog was drawn in by the turbines.

    Do you know, I was thinking the exact same thing today.
    We have no idea what we all look like and we may have even crossed paths.
    I also get a picture in my head of everyone, which may or may not be true.

    Buster, I know you will deal with this issue very thoroughly and give it your best.
    We are here if you need any advice.

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