Hi Members,

It's been a while but unfortunately I'm back and my health anxiety has reared its ugly head again.

I have an upcoming procedure under general anaesthetic to extract all 4 wisdom on 4 May and I'm absolutely worried sick about it. In fact, I've been obsessing over it since the second my oral surgeon said I needed them removed. They are causing infections in my gums and ruining surrounding teeth.

In case you're wondering, the surgeon won't extract them under twighlight sedation. I asked already and it was a firm no.

Truthfully, I do need them removed AND I dont want to necessarily experience that while awake. So its a double edge sword situation!

But...I'm just so scared of the unknown and being "put to sleep" and I don't even know why?!

Ive read endless accounts of people's experiences with GA and literally 99.9% of them are positive and yet I still cant shake the fear.

Some of the thought I have just endlessly going in my mind include:

- what will it feel like? Is it just instant darkness or is it like I'm going to sleep?
- will I even wake up?
- if the end result is complete unconsciousness can the anaesthetist put me to sleep gradually instead of just "boom" your out.
- is it overall an unpleasant feeling? (The GA I mean - I'm aware and quite ready for the pain following surgery)

If any one, I mean anyone can offer some words of wisdom and help in alleviating this gripping fear and anxiety I would forever grateful.

It really has come to the point where it is almost ruining my job, my social life, my friends, my partner...almost everything in my life is fallingtp bits. And all because of one procedure.

Ty in advance