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Thread: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Ha yes! That's the thread! Although it helps a little bit I will read part of it and then go somewhere else on google which will instantly bring me down again. At least there's something kinda relatable out there

    Thank you for that, really appreciate it! I currently have the mild temperature most days, I don't get chills anymore but will do as soon as the temperature drops below like 16 degrees which is ridiculous. And then I still have the sweats on and off and my lymphnodes (like the area around them) ache sometimes especially when Im tired, doing things or when I'm stressed? I had an exam last week and it killed during the entire weird!

    The knee pains I can also feel a tiiiny bit but they're nothing compared to what they were. Also have a lot of post nasal drip my ears are popping all the time, just feel "fluey" (my word lol) aaand that's about it really.

    I can still go on doing normal life stuff, i go to work etc fine but I am tired all the time. Also yes the winded/dizzy feeling when I do the slightest thing, mostly when it comes to stairs and standing up too quick!

    I do keep what FMP said in mind, just trying to push the 'what if it's a slow uncontrollable growth' thought away..I think I might need to see a psychologist to address the whole anxiety thing as I have been pretty stressed with life lately.

    Crazy how what you have is so similar! Completely throws me off, I can't believe my body is betraying me like that I really hope we get over it soon!!

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sabbine17 View Post
    Ha yes! That's the thread! Although it helps a little bit I will read part of it and then go somewhere else on google which will instantly bring me down again. At least there's something kinda relatable out there

    Thank you for that, really appreciate it! I currently have the mild temperature most days, I don't get chills anymore but will do as soon as the temperature drops below like 16 degrees which is ridiculous. And then I still have the sweats on and off and my lymphnodes (like the area around them) ache sometimes especially when Im tired, doing things or when I'm stressed? I had an exam last week and it killed during the entire weird!

    The knee pains I can also feel a tiiiny bit but they're nothing compared to what they were. Also have a lot of post nasal drip my ears are popping all the time, just feel "fluey" (my word lol) aaand that's about it really.

    I can still go on doing normal life stuff, i go to work etc fine but I am tired all the time. Also yes the winded/dizzy feeling when I do the slightest thing, mostly when it comes to stairs and standing up too quick!

    I do keep what FMP said in mind, just trying to push the 'what if it's a slow uncontrollable growth' thought away..I think I might need to see a psychologist to address the whole anxiety thing as I have been pretty stressed with life lately.

    Crazy how what you have is so similar! Completely throws me off, I can't believe my body is betraying me like that I really hope we get over it soon!!
    Cool! It's an amazing thread, seems so may people have been affected by mystery viruses. I try not to look at too much else these days, I end up with a different C every day otherwise.

    That temperature thing is a strange one, but there was a female, who is the same age as me, who has had something similar! She said she has that temperature thing too.

    Glad you're not getting the chills so much! Mine seem to come and go a lot more than they did, I've just been outside in 17/18* and felt okay, but now I'm back indoors in 20*-ish heat I feel cold. It's almost like I'm allergic to dampness or something. The other day it was humid and only about 14* and I felt fine then too.

    I have some aches near my nodes too! Mostly the ones in my groin, but that might be because I keep checking them.

    I still get joint aches, but they're Like your's and not anywhere near as bad as before. It felt like I had arthritis at times . Post nasal drip I tend to have anyway, the nasal spray I got had the side effects of "weakness, joint pain, nose bleeds, etc" so after reading that I stopped taking it. (Why do they prescribe things that cause the same symptoms you're worried about! ) I also had ear trouble! Went so far as to get my ears checked out, nothing wrong with my hearing or tympony (sp?).

    I'm still fairly functional too, but it comes and goes. The dizziness when getting up is a weird one, but I've had that before I think. Sometimes feel like I'm drunk when I haven't touched a drop too. That was really bad a few weeks ago, but not as frequent now. (Maybe we're actually getting better? )

    Me too on the slow uncontrolled growth front! It doesn't help that I know someone who has something exactly like that. But I think I'd take their condition over anything faster spreading, because they're enjoying life in spite of the fact they have something like that going on. (I won't post it here for privacy reasons etc.)

    It is crazy! It really helps to know we're not the only ones though, just wish there was more resources and/or stories about these kinds of things. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there suffering in silence too, because they're probably too worried/shy about posting stuff like this.

    I hope so too! The more I think about it, we both seem to be making progress in the right direction. Even if it is slow, I don't feel like I'm getting worse, do you? When I think about certain symptoms, they seem to be improving or becoming more manageable too. The chills were nearly constant for me 3 weeks ago, now they seem more sporadic.

    Take care, and be sure to drop in and keep us posted! Love to know how you're getting on.

  3. #103
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    Aug 2016

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThroatGoat View Post
    Cool! It's an amazing thread, seems so may people have been affected by mystery viruses. I try not to look at too much else these days, I end up with a different C every day otherwise.

    That temperature thing is a strange one, but there was a female, who is the same age as me, who has had something similar! She said she has that temperature thing too.

    Glad you're not getting the chills so much! Mine seem to come and go a lot more than they did, I've just been outside in 17/18* and felt okay, but now I'm back indoors in 20*-ish heat I feel cold. It's almost like I'm allergic to dampness or something. The other day it was humid and only about 14* and I felt fine then too.

    I have some aches near my nodes too! Mostly the ones in my groin, but that might be because I keep checking them.

    I still get joint aches, but they're Like your's and not anywhere near as bad as before. It felt like I had arthritis at times . Post nasal drip I tend to have anyway, the nasal spray I got had the side effects of "weakness, joint pain, nose bleeds, etc" so after reading that I stopped taking it. (Why do they prescribe things that cause the same symptoms you're worried about! ) I also had ear trouble! Went so far as to get my ears checked out, nothing wrong with my hearing or tympony (sp?).

    I'm still fairly functional too, but it comes and goes. The dizziness when getting up is a weird one, but I've had that before I think. Sometimes feel like I'm drunk when I haven't touched a drop too. That was really bad a few weeks ago, but not as frequent now. (Maybe we're actually getting better? )

    Me too on the slow uncontrolled growth front! It doesn't help that I know someone who has something exactly like that. But I think I'd take their condition over anything faster spreading, because they're enjoying life in spite of the fact they have something like that going on. (I won't post it here for privacy reasons etc.)

    It is crazy! It really helps to know we're not the only ones though, just wish there was more resources and/or stories about these kinds of things. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there suffering in silence too, because they're probably too worried/shy about posting stuff like this.

    I hope so too! The more I think about it, we both seem to be making progress in the right direction. Even if it is slow, I don't feel like I'm getting worse, do you? When I think about certain symptoms, they seem to be improving or becoming more manageable too. The chills were nearly constant for me 3 weeks ago, now they seem more sporadic.

    Take care, and be sure to drop in and keep us posted! Love to know how you're getting on.
    Hey TG so do you feel less anxious than you did 3 or so weeks ago? There is a reason why I ask! ATB
    Consider The bad times as down payment for the good times! Hang on in there

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboyuk View Post
    Hey TG so do you feel less anxious than you did 3 or so weeks ago? There is a reason why I ask! ATB
    Yes I do! I'm still worrying though, but not anywhere near as frequently.

    The anxiety related symptoms seem to be a lot less than they were! Like the eye problems, palps, etc. etc. (had too many to list, almost checked every single one off the lists you can find online).

    Bowels seemed to move normally again today. Still worried about the sweats, chills, and those damn lymph nodes though. Also had some of the smelly sputum again today as well .

    It's weird, but I don't think I had night sweats last night, but I did when I went back to bed for an hour or so. (Day off).

  5. #105
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    Aug 2016

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThroatGoat View Post
    Yes I do! I'm still worrying though, but not anywhere near as frequently.

    The anxiety related symptoms seem to be a lot less than they were! Like the eye problems, palps, etc. etc. (had too many to list, almost checked every single one off the lists you can find online).

    Bowels seemed to move normally again today. Still worried about the sweats, chills, and those damn lymph nodes though. Also had some of the smelly sputum again today as well .

    It's weird, but I don't think I had night sweats last night, but I did when I went back to bed for an hour or so. (Day off).
    Exactly Night sweats have got less (or not atall) BM's back to normal for you etc so it does point to
    HA controlling these symptoms at the end of the day the smelly sputum could be the virus that still hasn't been sorted yet you may end up having your tonsils out very quick operation now a days and you are out the same day so it's looking good for you TG ATB
    Consider The bad times as down payment for the good times! Hang on in there

  6. #106
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    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboyuk View Post
    Exactly Night sweats have got less (or not atall) BM's back to normal for you etc so it does point to
    HA controlling these symptoms at the end of the day the smelly sputum could be the virus that still hasn't been sorted yet you may end up having your tonsils out very quick operation now a days and you are out the same day so it's looking good for you TG ATB
    Yeah! just wish the sweats and chills would go completely. BMs I wasn't too worried about until I had 2 days without one. Does seem the red wine was responsible for the change in colour (darker with than without), and that I probably wasn't eating enough fibre to warrant a good movement or something.

    I hope it's the virus/bug that's causing that, and I think it could be! It seems less than it was in that respect too, and not as frequent. Just a weird/horrible symptom.

    You're probably right about the tonsils too! Should've had them out years ago probably. Stupid things!

    I'm going to mention the lymph nodes to the doc again too, I'd really like someone to have a proper look at them, just to know whether or not I should be worrying about them. The ones in my groin area are actually quite firm now (although movable), but they're still playing on my mind tremendously.

    I can't figure out if they're like that just because they are, or because they're reacting to me prodding and poking them like FMP told me not to. I Can't help myself checking to make sure they're not getting worse, which is probably making them worse.

  7. #107
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    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    I'm starting to think it was this:

    I forgot to mention the pink eye didn't I? (No pun intended).

    The article has the usual "most people will get better in 1 week" thing at the end though, so maybe not.

    Just trying to pinpoint this POS.

    ---------- Post added at 18:07 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ----------

    Oh, also noticed something with one of the nodes in my groin region. It seems like it has gotten smaller.

    Still a few BB/Pea sized ones in that area that are freaking me out a bit though, and also the "long lump" (I think that might have been there before, but can't remember).

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Sunday update.

    Seems like the general chills have gone/are going. Went outside in the cold, and while I felt it, it didn't feel as intense like it has been recently. I did wake up feeling cold again though, but no night sweats.

    Throat was full of the smelly phlegm again this morning, think that is due to the tonsil problem though.

    Got a mild headache and some weakness again too. Probably because I had some wine last night though.

    Still not 100% convinced something isn't wrong, but the way my symptoms seem to be changing makes me think there isn't. (If that makes sense?).

    Will see what this week brings anyway!

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Have you thought about the fact that by documenting every niggle and symptom that you're actually keeping your dragon happily fed? You're doing a daily self examination and reporting it Perhaps unplugging and finding real life things to do and distract yourself would be beneficial.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThroatGoat View Post
    Sunday update.

    Seems like the general chills have gone/are going. Went outside in the cold, and while I felt it, it didn't feel as intense like it has been recently. I did wake up feeling cold again though, but no night sweats.

    Throat was full of the smelly phlegm again this morning, think that is due to the tonsil problem though.

    Got a mild headache and some weakness again too. Probably because I had some wine last night though.

    Still not 100% convinced something isn't wrong, but the way my symptoms seem to be changing makes me think there isn't. (If that makes sense?).

    Will see what this week brings anyway!
    Hi TG Excellent news the thing is I have posted this on another thread, but going to say the opposite to you ( it will make sense ok) the less anxious you become the less the symptoms will be Eg: Your general chills are much better/ or even gone so great:shades Again keep thinking logically re headache well you had wine (how many glasses and be honest) then the morning after it has to be the wine problem solved no further mind searching is needed, so move on from that. the smelly phlegm again logically think about it your tonsils are inflamed so it HAS to be that again problem solved follow? And yeah the last paragraph does make sense totally. Tbh you are getting there matey so keep at it and you will beat this ATB
    Consider The bad times as down payment for the good times! Hang on in there

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