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Thread: Irregular periods

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Irregular periods

    Ok here goes ..............
    January 2017 I had a mid cycle bleed for 1 day (some clotting) I had a transvanginal scan in February 2017 and they found nothing sinister. Again in around June 2017 this happened again then periods have been regular until February this year. On January 20th I had a period then 20 days later I had a week of spotting before 7 days normal period. Then I had another 26 days between another 7 days spotting and 7 days period. I have now recently started a period just 14 days from the last and I’m still bleeding now 7 days into that period.
    I have a doctors appointment for Monday but I’m petrified somethings not right 😞. I also suffer with water infections too. I am nearly 37and have 3 kids and my biggest fear is leaving them without a mummy ☹️

    Can anyone relate?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Irregular periods

    Ohhh gosh I've not been on here for nearly a year and came on specifically for same reason. Im normally regular and this month random lighter period and now two wks later on again. Don't get me wrong I've been working differntly during night , I'm always stressed nothing new and I've had some funny girly issues over my lifetime but again I'm usually regular. My mum went into menopause at 39 I'm 37 soon and like you have three Kidd's and I'm petrified too words can't describe!! Not much help but can relate x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Irregular periods

    Premature menopause (before the age of 40), so you are currently in perimenopause stage ? (your cycles sound just like mine at 49 and I've been perimeno for 4 years)

    Hormonal imbalance cause by something other than menopausal changes e.g. thyroid, extreme anxiety (the body stops making progesterone in times of anxiety and makes cortisol instead) as one example?

    I think if the transvaginal showed nothing 'sinister' at the time the irregularity started, and things went 'back to normal' that is very encouraging and really they should be looking at some other tests and checks to see what is causing the irregularity.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Irregular periods

    I had full bloods taken in early march for something else and apparently they were all good apart from cholesterol which I have since changed my diet to improve but thanks for the reply’s. I’ll update if I get answers.

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