Hey all, I want to share with you my weight loss journey, I am going to be open, two years ago I weighed 385. I knew something had to be done, I decided to cut down on sodium. I keep my sodium intake to 1500-1800 a day. I slowly cut out on going out to eat and getting fast food, I started cooking at home, cutting out processed foods big time, cut down on snacks and bread. I started working out with DDP Yoga, chair warrior program, I also cut a lot of sugar from what I eat, I do still enjoy pizza, in a limited basis, I make my own Mac and cheese, much better than boxed, I even make my own peanut butter cups using honey. I am taking the weight off slowly and am now down to 332 pounds. Oh I also make smoothies, and homemade chicken noodle soup and Chinese stir fry, and use coconut aminos for the seasoning as well as no salt season. I also make my own taco seasoning and my own pasta sauce using tomatoes, and spices blended in the blender.