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Thread: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

  1. #101
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

    Kel it sounds like you are doing amazing!! Well done you!!
    Hope your husband is well? X

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

    10 weeks now on 15 mg!!

    After the last time I posted, I had 3 wonderful weeks in a row. No anxiety, sleeping great, etc. I figured I had seen the end of my good friend anxiety, at least for the next few years.

    Friday night, I woke up in the middle of the night, and it took me an hour or two to fall back asleep. I don't know if that triggered something, or if it's hormones, or just life, or random, but then on Saturday I had a bit of anxiety. Saturday, my insomnia was back, and I had a sleepless night. Now, today, on Sunday, I seem to be in full on blip mode.

    I do think the 15 mg is working at least somewhat, because this blip is more mild than any others I've had the last 7 months. But I'm giving strong consideration to moving up to 20 mg in the hope that will get rid of the blips entirely. I'll give it at least a few days before I decide.

    I hope everyone else is doing okay!!!!!

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

    Hi Kel i am currently living a insomnia situation due to a up of dosage, how long the insomnia staid in your case? Thanks and how you doing currently?

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience


    I'm doing really great on the 15 mg :-)!

    Sleeping really well most nights. I haven't taken any trazadone since August or September. The last sleepless night I had was late October, the one I posted about above ;-).

    I'm in a good mood nearly all the time. Very little anxiety. Occasional blips that last just a few seconds or minutes.

    ---------- Post added at 17:05 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by chrismex89 View Post
    Hi Kel i am currently living a insomnia situation due to a up of dosage, how long the insomnia staid in your case? Thanks and how you doing currently?

    I think my insomnia was due mostly (maybe entirely) to my anxiety rather than the medication. Once the meds fully kicked in (took a long time for me, probably 2 1/2 months or more on my current dose), then I started sleeping better.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

    Thanks Kel, I appreciate your information and I'm glad you're doing well, are you doing another CBT-type treatment or just the medication?

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

    Hello from blip land :-)!

    I hope everyone else is doing well. Hugs to those who are struggling right now.

    I've hit a bit of a rough patch, and am several days in a blip. I had some family drama, then we had to put our 5 year old cat to sleep (awful!), then someone I had planned to take a trip with backed out, which has me dreading the trip.

    I did okay for the first week of all this going on; but then had a night of insomnia. That triggered all the old feelings again. Now I'm in this cycle of anxiety/insomnia. I've had several nights of no sleep these past few weeks, and then two other nights I took sleeping pills. I really hate having to take sleeping pills, so of course that adds to the anxiety.

    It's strange, because the last year has been pretty great anxiety wise, but then when I hit this blip it's like the last year of good feelings didn't even happen! It's like I just remember the months before when the anxiety was bad. Is this how it is for you guys when you habe a blip?

    I'm open to eventually bumping up to 20 mg of escitalopram, but for now I'm hoping to stay at 15 mg and hope this blip just....disappears ;-).

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

    Quote Originally Posted by NervousKel View Post
    Now I'm in this cycle of anxiety/insomnia. I've had several nights of no sleep these past few weeks, and then two other nights I took sleeping pills. I really hate having to take sleeping pills, so of course that adds to the anxiety.
    Which sleeping pill are you taking?

    I'm open to eventually bumping up to 20 mg of escitalopram, but for now I'm hoping to stay at 15 mg and hope this blip just....disappears
    It takes several weeks for dose increases to become effective. Hopefully you'll be well past all this before then. But if you're not then you have nothing to lose by taking 20mg as you can always drop back to 15mg after a while.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

    I'm prescribed Trazodone as a sleep aid, to use as needed. I've had the prescription for almost 7 years now; for most of those years, I've had to use it only once or twice a year if even that much. When anxiety flares up, like now, then I go up to several nights a week if not more.

    I'm going to give this blip another few weeks to see what happens, and then up to 20 mg I'll go :-).

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

    Quote Originally Posted by NervousKel View Post
    I'm prescribed Trazodone as a sleep aid,
    A good choice. Btw, at higher doses, 200mg+ trazodone is a pretty good antidepressant in its own right usually with fewer ongoing side-effects than the SSRIs/SNRIs.

    I'm going to give this blip another few weeks to see what happens, and then up to 20 mg I'll go :-).
    Fingers crossed that it works. It is as likely to as upping the dose.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

    I'm still sort of ?? in a blip. Anxiety wise, I'm doing quite well. But the insomnia continues to linger. I may be visiting the doctor in a few weeks to see what options I have.

    I've ordered a self-help book on anxiety that should be arriving today. I also plan to read a few self-help books on insomnia.

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