It is starting to freak me out. Since about a week prior to June, i have had chronic ...intestinal discomfort. For the first week it was most of the day, and flared up while sleeping. The pain location sometimes feels real low in the pelvis and extremely reminiscent to period cramps.

At first i thought it was due to a impending period, but then it would, especially when walking around, ache right at or above my belly button or in my solar plexus area....making me inadvertently rub the area. The pain is identical to a borderline stomach ache...or a stomach ache that is slowly going away after successfully going to the loo. The feeling just stays, and it makes me feel like I do need to poo to relieve the issue, and a lot of the time, i do actually have to defecate some..but even when i do, the feeling still remains.

In the past week I will have 100% symptom free days, i had 3 days in a row actually..then the symptoms came back and i was very worried.

My BMs are normal, no diarrhea..though occasional mild constipation. I have nighttime discomfort along with occasional loud intestinal sounds and frequent gas. Today I (sorry tmi) defectated normally and a 2" long brown thin piece that looked similar to a rope worm came out as i am freaking about that. I am worried about pretty much any cancer that can effect the gastrointestinal system from stomach, pancreas, to intestinal. 2 weeks is a long time with this issue, and the longer it continues, the more i am convinced this is sinister. I don't want to go to the doctor for this but it is to the point i may, still, i am very worried, especially since the issue flares while i am sleeping...aka, unconscious so this shouldn't be anxiety related. Can anyone relate to this unique situation?