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Thread: anxiety has taken over

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    anxiety has taken over

    This is my first time on here, ive been reading posts for the last for days trying to build the courage to to put my situation into words.
    12 days ago i visited my GP with what i recognised as anxiety building up,i recognised what i was feeling as i suffered a breakdown 10 years ago. So i decided to head it of at the pass(or so i thought).
    I was prescribed flauxatine 20mg, im now on day twelve of taking them and can honestly say i feel 100% worse than before i was taking them.
    Day one was fine, as was days two and three, day four couldn't sleep right kept waking up drenched in a cold sweat and blind panic about i dont know what, a million thoughts all seemed to be streaming through my head all at once, and since then i have had the same experience every night, but slightly more severe as the days have gone on.The anxiety is happening all the time now in various stages of severity during the day.
    I have read many posts from people saying stick to the meds and they will eventually work, but this really is a living hell at the moment..
    Although i do feel a little better for getting that of my chest.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: anxiety has taken over

    Sorry you’re having such a terrible time at the moment. Glad you feel better for talking about it . Someone with experience will be along soon, but I wanted to say hi.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Welcome to No More Panic!

    Hiya otterman and welcome to NMP

    Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

    I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: anxiety has taken over

    Thanks for your reply scass, its good to know there are many good people using nmp
    who seem to help each other get through there ordeals.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: anxiety has taken over

    I’m on day 11 of Ssri called sertraline. Like u anxiety got really much worse. But I’ve been on citalopram a few years back and yes the initial weeks were horrible and I had bad insomnia. I then started to feel ok. It took around 4 to 6 weeks. It helped me feel normal. So I would stick with it. Hold out. I’m trying too! It’s amazing how many people out there are in the same boat. Look after yourself.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: anxiety has taken over

    I feel your pain, starting up on ssris are hard bloody work, you will have heightened anxiety nausea, sweats, insomnia all the nasties and they are normal and not you, it’s the medication, you aren’t losing your mind or slowly melting your brain it’s these bloody meds, but they do work eventually we just have to be patient. I think the best advice in the next weeks are to keep your diary quiet. Download some box sets, live off of whatever food you can stomach, play games on your phone, sleep when you can, lots of water and chat to people who get you. You can do this. X
    Whatever doesn't kill you, will make you stronger

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: anxiety has taken over

    Hi rad1, thanks for your reply it is good to know there are so many people with exactly the same problems with there medications out there.. I plan to stick it out untill i can see some light at the end of the tunnel, but at the moment that seems a long way off. Im on day thirteen today and its been bad, maybe managed 2 hours sleep last night, usual things mind racing panicking sweating anxiety, not nice.
    Gp tomorrow so may ask if theres any other meds i could take with the flaux to lesson the anxiety a bit..
    We just have to remember i suppose and tell ourselves they are only side effects over and over.
    Let me know how you get on, and thanks again for the reply.

    ---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:30 ----------

    Hi Laura,
    Thank you for your reply, and words of encouragement, it means allot.I will try and take some of your advice on board, as far as relaxing its difficult as i am in the middle of a house move for the second time this year, unbelievable i know, make no wonder my poor brains on the blink..
    Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: anxiety has taken over

    Be strong, get through this period and your body will start to suffer less from side effects. But if you are only getting 2 hours sleep it can feel more out of control. I take Nytol one a night. My Doctor said it was OK to. Buy them from any chemist. (there is a herbal Nytol with valarium etc, but dont think you can take that with SSRI, maybe Im wrong) Anyway, it helps me sleep longer. It is a vicious cycle, all this adrenalin or cortisol hormones in the system makes sleep so difficult. Distraction also helps me. Trying to focus on something different. I do mindful breathing. So you start breathing deep and slowly and focus on the breath going in through your nose, then into your lungs, and then out through the mouth - along with all that negativity. Thoughts do pop back in, but you train yourself to switch back to the breathing. Just giving your mind 30 mins rest is so helpful to you. There are plenty of things on youtube. I also tried meditation, with the 'happy monk' on youtube. So calming and even if no sleep, it does rest you.
    Anxiety and fear of ending up in a serious breakdown is just difficult to take. But it will pass. (wise words Laura gave above)

    Please let me know what your dr says about the medication to help with anxiety. I didn't get very far with my Dr. He offered beta blockers, but its the constant over thinking rather than palpitations that I want to escape from.

    PS moving house is stressful and unsettling at the best of times. Try and get some help from a close friend or family member.
    Last edited by Rad1; 21-06-18 at 17:28. Reason: (wanted to add a bit more)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: anxiety has taken over

    Hey Rad1
    Had the worst night last night since starting the flaux, managed maybe 1 hour of sound sleep followed by disturbed 15 minuet snoozes for the rest of the night, bed sheets were soaked this morning and for the first time i was physically shaking, so much so that the wife took the day off work to go to the doctors with me.
    Had a good talk with the doctor about what i was going through which made me feel a little better. She has prescribed me with Propraolol 40mg three times a day which is a fast working beta blocker to counter the Adrenalin that was making me sweat and anxious. She also prescribed me a sleeping tablet Zopiclone 3.75mg to knock me out and booked me an appointment to see a councillor.
    Maybe an hour after taking the first pill i was feeling much calmer, then went to take the second pill around 5pm and accidentally took another flaux!! Panicked a bit, but will have to just leave tomorrow mornings out.
    The wife took me to the coast this afternoon for a walk up and down the sea front which did me the world of good. From around 4am i have felt pretty good to be fair. Im just dreading going to bed tonight, think i will take the last of the three beta blockers at bed time and give the sleeping tablet a miss for tonight just to see how i get on, if its another horror story then tomorrow night i will take one. Thanks for all the advice you have given me on how to stay calm, one thing i do that works for me is taking a deep breath and blowing it slowly back out onto my forearm counting each breath up to ten and then back down again to zero, sounds strange but it works for me to a certain extent.I think the Nytol is a good idea, i dont really want to have to take the sleeping pil
    as i have had them before a long time ago and became a zombie.
    Thinking about it i could be having alcohol withdrawals as i used to always have a couple of cans of beer before i went to bed which i stopped three days ago.
    Anyway day 14 is almost over hope tonight is better but i won't hold my breath yet.
    How are you doing, are you having any bad side effects besides the anxiety?
    Al post again tomorrow night with another update.
    Thanks again for all the advice its very much appreciated, we will not be beaten.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: anxiety has taken over

    Hi Otterman,

    Sounds like a rotten night for you, but at least you have a good GP who is getting you some counselling and you also have sleeping help and the blockers. Great that your wife took you. That must be reassuring. A walk by the sea sounds perfect, gets you back to nature. My GP has not even mentioned counselling. He wanted me in and out in 10 mins. I am paying for some Skype counselling tomorrow.

    I personally never took sleeping tablets before, but after some unbearably bad nights this time round, I decided it was worth a try. The torture of a couple of hours broken sleep I find hard to take. It really upsets me in the morning when its time to get up. I dont feel like a zombie the next day after Nytol. I usually wake up at 4am. Then I lie there thinking about life issues. I must get up at 7.30 to get my daughter up and ready for school. I make myself eat porridge, which seems to sort me out. Today I felt strangely calmer than the past few days.

    I take my sertraline at night about 10pm before bed. Then a Nytol. I suppose the anxiety cant be felt if you are sleeping, and SSRIs are also meant to make you drowsy too. So Figured night is better than taking it in the morning. Strangely I still get the anxiety through the morning. It seems to improve through the afternoon. Then evening I am generally much calmer. But last time I started SSRIs (citalopram) several years back, I recall dreading bedtime due to the awful insomnia. So same as you.

    I am actually day 13. Tomorrow I will increase my dose a little more, around 70mg from the 100 prescribed. (I am on 50mg this week, 25 last week).

    Anyway its good to here how you are getting on, and I prey tomorrow is a much better day fro you. Easy on taking the blockers, try and save them for when you are desperate.

    Take care. Catch up again soon.
    Last edited by Rad1; 21-06-18 at 22:28. Reason: added a word

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