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Thread: Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

  1. #1

    Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

    Hi all - this is my first post after over a year of lurking. Some background - I'm 36 (male) and live in Minnesota, USA with my wife and kids. I've struggled with various anxiety for a long time; usually it has focused on intrusive/ruminative thoughts somewhere in the GAD/OCD spectrum. I've occasionally had mild health anxiety in the past but in the last couple of months the health anxiety has grown pretty severe.

    Toward the end of May, I saw a bat in our kitchen at breakfast. We had seen one in our unfinished basement about a month earlier but hadn't thought anything of it as we didn't think there was any way for them to get up into the house. I tried to capture the bat with a bowl and in the process ended up injuring its wing and killed it with a broom as it flopped around squealing on the floor (out of slight panic as my kids were nearby and I didn't want it to suddenly fly up and bite them). I picked up the dead bat with about six layers of thick paper towels and put it in a plastic bag before throwing it away. I then cleaned the area where the bat had been and the broom with Lysol wipes. I didn't think anything of it for about a week, other than to call a bat removal specialist who informed me we had a small colony of big brown bats (thankfully not protected species in my state) and he would do the necessary steps to seal/exclude them. Right after this incident I thoroughly searched my hands for any sign of a bite or scratch (not really anxious at this point, just being prudent) and didn't see anything (nor did I feel anything poke me at any point). At no point did I directly touch the bat and I had washed my hands thoroughly after it was over just to be safe.

    Around a week later I made the mistake of Googling about bats and rabies and saw a bunch of scary articles about how bats can bite you in your sleep and you wouldn't know it, or how you could get scratched by one and not feel or see it. The CDC in the US actually recommends vaccination in a lot of circumstances where there was no contact with a bat at all (although most other countries such as Canada do not). In a panic, I went to the ER and gave the ER doc my whole story. The doctor called the health department and they agreed that since a) I never had direct skin contact with the bat and b) there was no evidence the bat was ever in a bedroom (although it theoretically could have flown into mine and my wife's bedroom by going up the stairs and through an open door), that this was a low-risk encounter and neither I or anyone in my family needed vaccination. I almost asked for the vaccine anyway but in the US this is very expensive (over $10000 in a lot of cases) and insurance might not cover it if not recommended by the health department.

    This should have been the end of it, but unfortunately the past 7-8 weeks have been sheer hell for me. Around the same time I went to the ER I started feeling tingling in my left hand and arm (which was not the hand I used to dispose of the dead bat). I've had weeks where my neck and shoulder really hurt, or where I had bad headaches, or where I had dry mouth and a sore throat. About a month after the initial incident, I was starting to realize I was going to be fine when I happened to look at my left hand and see two small skin-colored bumps around 1cm apart. I discovered these were some kind of blister by popping them but they just refilled after a few days. I showed them to my wife and asked if she thought I should be concerned and she said it was probably some random skin thing and not to worry about it. They itched/tingled a bit when I first noticed them and then not again for a few weeks until the last 3-4 days where they've been itching again. I tried to take a picture but they are so small and hard to see (and flesh-colored) they don't show up well via camera. I did some Googling and the closest thing I could find to match is dyshidrotic eczema and I am seeing a doctor this afternoon to take a look at them.

    I've read through a lot of threads on rabies fear and at first glance my situation seems less fantastical than most (e.g. there was an actual bat in my house at one point), but I am a pretty logical person and realize that it is highly, highly unlikely that I have rabies. I just can't convince myself of this 100%. By the time I noticed the weird blister things the bat removal specialist had sealed and excluded the bats from our house and we haven't seen any since the one in late May. The chances of some weird blister developing in the exact site where a bat bit a month earlier seems pretty remote. If all of the symptoms I've had since early June were really rabies I'd be dead by now (although I get around that by thinking "Maybe those earlier symptoms were psychosomatic but these are the real deal"). I have some good days and some bad; no sooner do I convince myself everything is fine then I get some new tingle or itch or pain or sore throat or whatever.

    Do people have any tips on how I can get over this? I talked to my wife about it a bit at first and she basically thought I was crazy, so I've stopped mentioning anything to her. The ER doc and the health department have said I had a low-risk encounter and didn't need the vaccine (but if course I wonder if maybe I left out some critical detail). If all of my weird intermittent symptoms would just go away I think I could get over this. I am seeing a psychiatrist that I've seen in the past this week so hopefully he can help me as well, but I wanted to throw this out to the forum as this worry seems pretty common on here. Please help and provide advice!

    ---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 ----------

    Update - went to the doctor this afternoon on the bumps. She diagnosed them as dyshidrotic eczema and said to use hydrocortisone cream. I told here about my bat worries and she said that there is "no way" that these marks could be from a bat bite (given that they popped like water blisters and they haven't changed appearance in about a month).

    I am feeling better now but just waiting for the anxiety process to talk me into thinking I am in trouble again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

    Had a similar experience, MN. Will message you later tonight, after dealing writing my own plea for help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

    Quote Originally Posted by mn_guy View Post
    I told here about my bat worries and she said that there is "no way" that these marks could be from a bat bite (


    Glad you are feeling a bit better
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

    You confessed - you googled. But what you google is extreme hypothetical scenarios which may be technically possible if you are the most unlucky person living on this planet but still is so overwhelmingly unlikely you would be better off not reading these things.

  5. #5

    Re: Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid-viking View Post
    You confessed - you googled. But what you google is extreme hypothetical scenarios which may be technically possible if you are the most unlucky person living on this planet but still is so overwhelmingly unlikely you would be better off not reading these things.
    Yeah, I've been on the anxiety roller coaster enough in the past you think I'd have learned my lesson about Googling. I had initially Googled just to figure out what the heck to do if I found a bat in my house, and while most of what I read initially seemed to indicate everything would be fine there were a few stories about people who had gotten their entire family vaccinated after finding a bat. That left enough doubt about whether I'd be fine that I did more Googling as the week went on and it all spiraled down from there. I have a tendency to not be satisfied until I have a 100% confident answer, but obviously in a case like this we're dealing with probabilities and you can never know 100%.

    I even found this study by the Canadian government showing that the probability of rabies from a non-direct-contact encounter is upwards of 1 in 330,000 to 1 in 2.4 million, (and even in non-bite direct contact situations is around 1 in 50,000) but of course, "What if I'm that one?"

    I am hoping that going forward in situations similar to this I'll be smart enough to not Google.

  6. #6

    Re: Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

    I also had a similar experience (check out my threads, you'll see)
    I've been to multiple doctors because of this anxiety and wasted LOTS of money for the consultation fee. Whenever I see a small mark that looks like a bite on my skin, I'd immediately head to the same doctors I know (I became friends to some of them because I keep going back to their clinic/office whenever I was anxious about rabies). In my country, rabies is more common in dogs & cats, but I also had the same thought like mn guy. My HA rose and I kept having false memories to the point my dad thinks I'm going crazy.
    Luckily, vaccines are not that much expensive here (ranges from $150-200), while preventive vaccines cost $30-40, so I immediately took a preventive shot in order to calm myself and it's also what the doctors recommended.
    What I can suggest is if the doctors says it's okay, then you're actually fine. You can get a 2nd opinion (like what I did) for reassurance, or if preventive vaccines are cheap in your area (the pre-exposure vaccine, not the post exposure one cuz that is very expensive indeed)... I'd say you should get one as well
    Last edited by Bubbletea; 18-07-18 at 15:37.

  7. #7

    Re: Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

    Figured I'd post an update - unfortunately things haven't gotten much better. In the last few days I've had a sore throat feeling and feel like my lymph nodes on my neck are swollen (although who knows - I never really thought about whether I could feel them before). Today I have an elevated heart rate (10 BPM or so above normal) as well as nausea and diarrhea. That could be because I've been taking 5-HTP for a few days and had three beers and McDonald's last night, but who knows. The problem with this is that both the incubation period and initial prodromal symptoms of rabies are so non-specific there's no limiting factor on the anxiety. Any random ache/pain/illness/symptom that comes up causes my anxious mind to freak out and start thinking, "This is it!"

    I saw a psychiatrist yesterday and he prescribed Lexapro (and to stop the 5-HTP, which I did today). I'll start taking it tomorrow or whenever my current digestive issues calm down, and I'll post how things are going a few days after that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

    READ THIS as many times as you need to.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

    So sorry you're going through this. It is simply unfair to get sick in the midst of a rabies panic!

    Hopefully, your stomach will settle down (anxiety can definitely bring that on) tomorrow. Try to eat gentle foods to see if that helps too. The sore throat is a stinker, but I have had a mild scratchiness too-and it seems like a lot of people are getting colds.

    Unfortunately, you are going to have to wait through this but, remember, note any improvement in symptoms b/c that is 1000% evidence that you do not have rabies. I also hope the meds help.

    Keep us updated!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Health Anxiety - Rabies and Bats

    Quote Originally Posted by mn_guy View Post
    Figured I'd post an update - unfortunately things haven't gotten much better. In the last few days I've had a sore throat feeling and feel like my lymph nodes on my neck are swollen (although who knows - I never really thought about whether I could feel them before). Today I have an elevated heart rate (10 BPM or so above normal) as well as nausea and diarrhea. That could be because I've been taking 5-HTP for a few days and had three beers and McDonald's last night, but who knows. The problem with this is that both the incubation period and initial prodromal symptoms of rabies are so non-specific there's no limiting factor on the anxiety. Any random ache/pain/illness/symptom that comes up causes my anxious mind to freak out and start thinking, "This is it!"

    I saw a psychiatrist yesterday and he prescribed Lexapro (and to stop the 5-HTP, which I did today). I'll start taking it tomorrow or whenever my current digestive issues calm down, and I'll post how things are going a few days after that.
    At least you do realise; as I understand from your post that deep down you know that this is just anxiety and that your anxious mind is playing trick with you. GOOD! And this is where you must work from. Diarreah is the most common symptom caused by anxiety itself. Anxiety certainly messes up the bowel system - or at least it do so with me.

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