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Thread: Tightness in throat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Tightness in throat

    Hello all,

    Have not been on here for a while as I've actually been ill! How ironic. Fortunately the GP is taking these particular problems seriously (they're 'lady problems'), although me being me I still worry that it's cancer and I'm going to die a hideous death.

    Anyway, moving on.

    For the past few days I've had a feeling of tightness in my throat. I've had a lump sensation before, and have accepted it as globus hystericus, but this is different. It's only on one side, and seems to make my breathing slightly difficult. I'm really hoping it's just anxiety and muscle tension, but I'm really worried that it might be the Big C or something more sinister.

    How long should I wait before I pester my GP about this? I can swallow fine, and exercise without getting breathless, but it feels like there's an obstruction on one side that is bothering my airway.

    I would appreciate any advice

    Thanks all,

    Anna. x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Tightness in throat

    PS. Does anyone ever have a bloody taste in the mouth? I've had that on and off and am worried about that too....if it's linked to the tightness...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , New Zealand.

    Re: Tightness in throat

    If it's really worrying you, then see your gp. If he/she is any good, they will investigate and I bet it will be nothing to worry about. A bloody taste in your mouth is more likely to be something with your teeth. Do you floss them? Might be damage to your gums when you floss or if not, infection from stuff stuck between your teeth. Or it could be a sinus infection.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Tightness in throat

    Are you sure the blood taste isn't a metallic like one?

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Tightness in throat

    hey! how strange is this - for about a week i've had a lump-on-one-side sensation too. in my throat, just above my collar bone. feels like i have a peanut stuck in my throat! i had a bit of a chest infection for the last few weeks - which is slowly clearing up - i'm hoping its related to that! i think there are quite a few bugs going around at the mo.. so its probably that.. i'm going to leave it a while longer to see if it clears up! i seem to be able to eat fine and still breath prob nothing.. and i'm only 26.. so the chances of it being something REALLY bad are pretty remote.. right?

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Re: Tightness in throat

    Tightness in the throat was one of my first symptoms of severe anxiety 4 years ago. It was like I was constantly being strangled! I wasnt it was purely anxiety. Im not sure about your tightness but mine did go after a long time (I got used to it strangely enough!) and it was only when I truly started to stop fretting about it that it disappeared

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Tightness in throat

    I get tightness in my throat and a tight chest. I feel like I cant breathe properly (like now). I know its anxiety but sometimes its hard to fight it.

    If I'm in the car I put the stereo on and sing along however badly I sing! It changes my breathing, gives me something else to think about and makes me forget to worry about my symptoms.

    If I'm at home I either put on some music or listen to relaxation exercises by Paul McKenna on my MP3. Sometimes a soothing bath with lavender, juniper or marjoram essential oils helps too.

    Sometimes you do get a strange taste in your mouth, I know that I grind or grit my teeth in my sleep when I'm particularly anxious. Also I used to get the feeling of a lump in my throat or something on the back of my tongue where I couldnt see it.

    You always think the worse, then of course your throat/chest tightness get worse... I smile when I read the messages here sometimes, its reasuring to know I'm among friends who have similar thoughts/feelings.

    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.So sail away from the safe harbor. Explore. Dream. Discover.

  8. #8

    Re: Tightness in throat

    I get the throat tightness too, only on the right side though. I think the bloody taste is probably something to do with iron in your body. I've read that, that can be a symptom of anxiety.

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