so this is my main anxiety issue and having major flare ups for the last 3 weeks (as broke a tooth and dentist has refused to see me til next week unless it gets infected) but today has been really bad ive been in tears and feel really sick now after brushing my teeth and another area has started bleeding alot. i have so much regret about letting them get this bad and have been doing my best to look after them now but they seem to be getting worse not better is begining to afect most parts of every day the way i talk eat and drink and keeping me awake also its standing in my way with relationships as i'm worried to get involved with a partner as being intimate would hurt the and i eat quite strangly due to the worries of "hurting" my teeth/gums. dont realy know what i want from this but just getting so obsessed abut my mouth and scared of feeling this way forever was even googling having them all removed the other night s s fed up