I suffer from GAD and OCD. I have tried ALL antidepressant, many mood stabilizers and so on. I started taking 10 mg Prozac 5 weeks ago and last 2 weeks I had glimpses of feeling better. I have pushed through all side effects and been patient. Finally my anxiety was much better and I coped better, was less irritated and fighting less with my husband and so on.

Of course a side effect comes in and destroys everything. Prozac is just to stimulating for me. The initially speediness went away but for two days now I been super hyper. I have to do something all the time because I get so restless :( I'm not manic which was my first thought, but I am mood wise very stable and calm. Yesterday I had to take 50 mg hydroxyzine, 10 mg melatonin and 15 mg zopiclone and still couldn't turn of my brain and fall asleep.

So now I have to go back to the hopelessness again I don't want to waste more of my life being depressed and anxious. I wasted all of my life so far (28 today). I tried ALL SSRIs except paxil, SNRI, Lamotrigine and so on. Mood stabilizer are actually worse when it comes to creating this restlessness and hyped feeling. I am very sensitive and know there are not a lot meds left to try.. feeling so sad today when i FINALLY found something that worked after all those years.