Hello everyone,
I'm new to this forum, but not new to HA.

Yesterday I found out that my mom, who is bedridden with multiple sclerosis, has a lump in her breast, and the doctor is pretty sure it's going to be malignant. While trying to cope with this news, I (stupidly) decided to check my own breasts (I do regular checks and have a yearly mammogram -- I'm 42) and while I didn't feel any lumps, I saw a pencil-eraser-sized red spot on one breast. I thought it was maybe dry skin at first, so I picked at it, but it didn't go away (and the area got redder). Of course I Googled, and found info about inflammatory breast cancer.

I'm going to see my doctor in a couple of hours. I've been up most of the night (I'm in Canada and it's 7:30 am here now), and the only thing that allowed me to sleep intermittently was reading posts on this forum.
Logically, I know that at least some of this has to be a reaction to my mom's situation. But I keep trying to think it through, and the only conclusion I can come to is that this can't be anything good.

I'm trying to remember if I've seen a spot like this before (when I'm in the throes of HA my memory goes to s**t), and I think I may have. The spot looks angrier today.

I don't have any orange-peel skin, or all-over redness, or swollen lymph nodes. Just this stupid spot.