So I have my second day of school in a few hours (It's currently midnight) and I just can't stop thinking about Solipsism and shit like that.

Just some background info for yall beetches:
I have suffered from solipsism for about three months now, starting literally like a week after I got out of school. I had recently watched someone play Night In The Woods, (A really great game btw yall should play it or watch like a playthrough or smthn), which deals a lot with derealization and reality and stuff and the feeling of reality not being real. This really got me thinking about reality and that's how my spiral into the oh-so wonderful hell that is solipsism.

Okay so now to the actual post.
My first day of school was on Friday, and at first I was okay. But then I started over thinking and obsessing over the fact that everyone is fake and only I exist, and that all these people I knew are just figments of my imagination. Stuff like that.

Everything moved so slow, and I felt like I was falling and floating at the same time. It was all hazy. I think the worst part was when I started predicting shit and then it all just spiraled from there.

I'm just so tired of living like this. Everything I think about or do makes me feel sick just because of this.

Anyone have any tips? Cause god knows I need em'.