Hello there. I'm going to share my experience of the past 2 days with a rabies scare- great, another one of these topics, right? Heh.

The most recent one is rabies(go figure). It's gotten so severe that I managed to break down and cry because I keep thinking I've got a short amount of time to live. This all started because of a weird headache. I've gotten migraines before so I've chalked it all up down to that even though this one is quite different. For the past two days, I've been reading up stuff on Google because it started with head pressure and then turned into a headache. I experienced burning in the neck that then moved up to the back of the head.

Since then, I've had a constant pressure. I've been extremely anxious as well because I think I've somehow caught rabies from my dogs- which I know is slim to none because I'm pretty sure they haven't come into contact with anything rabid and I haven't been bit. What I find amusing here is that I think I caught it from one of them, yet they aren't displaying any symptoms whatsoever. I wouldn't be here typing if I had it I know that for a fact. The thing that freaks me out is the headache, though. I have twitching in my legs, but now I'm getting it in my head. I'm just hoping this will go away. And besides, if I had this, I'm sure it would be a lot worse than what it is now if I actually had it. I do have dry mouth but I am able to swallow without any problems minus there being tightness in my neck. Most likely to do with anxiety.

About a month ago, my dog came in with something on his rear, looked like exposed flesh. He was nipping at that area before, but then we saw that. I paid no mind as my dog shows no symptoms now, but all I can think of is that because I've let him lick my hand before in the past month.

As for the muscle twitching, I've never experienced that before until 7 AM this morning because I spent all night googling. Bad idea. My head twitches/bobs, and my legs are twitching. I keep thinking that's going to progress into something else, but it's most likely anxiety and once I manage it things will improve. All I can do is flip out yet I know there's a slim to none chance of me ever catching it.

I always have that outlook that it's actually going to progress and get worse, but as my dad said, if I actually had it, I wouldn't be here by now so I should stop worrying and focus on something else than a virus I probably won't get. All I can do is worry about the twitching and burning headache/pressure in the back of my head and neck. When I laid down this morning after freaking out, the pressure moved to the front of my face, right where the nose is. I plan on asking my mom if I can go to the doctor just to make sure it isn't that or something else.

Anyway, sorry for the post. I feel like I should get this off my chest before I start getting anxious again and go off to google.

x Tobs