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Thread: Real problem with BUspar and my Doctor!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Real problem with BUspar and my Doctor!


    I don't know if any of you can help me! I was prescribed 20mg of Buspar a day and Xanax 3 times a day 0.50mg from my doctor over a month ago in Switzerland. I am now in London and needed to have the medication re-prescribed but the doctor under the NHS doews not want me to! Now I have enough Xanax for a little while, but only enough Buspar to last me 4 days! My GP here told me to start weaning off the BUspar but I'm worried that the waning off will be too sudden! I know i'm only on a very very small dose, but I was just wondering whether this is right to do or not? I tried contacting my doctor overseas, but he's away for two weeks. So now I am really really stuck not knowing what to do with the drugs I have been taking! The GP also prescribed me Valerian.. but I also read that it has side-effects with teh Xanax!

    I really really need urgent help here! :(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Buspar is only licenced in Europe for short periods 2-6 weeks ,and indeed is only recommended for this duration world wide.

    It is also unusual to have xanax prescribed over here as it is sooo addictive and they don't want a rerun of the phenomenal valium addictions.

    I remember wondering when you said you were moving over how long you'd be left on them here before a change was instigated.

    I do agree though that this is fast to be weaning off in 4 days - is there room for negotiation ?

    Do you mean Valium - not the herb valerian ?

    How are you doing - sounds like you've coped very well with the move and job change- maybe you are ready for decreasing - what do you think ?

    You could negotiate for a longer weaning period from your GP
    You could see another GP in the practice - go for the woman
    You could go to a NHS walk in clinic
    You could see someone privately
    You could get some sent over from home
    You could get some off a reputable site on the www

    Let us know how you're doing ..


    You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Astrid

    It does sound like you need some help on this one. I know buspar is only supposed to be used for short term measures but having to withdraw from it within 4 days will cause you problems. Can you not speak to your new doctor and ask that they give you enough to withdraw slowly to lessen the side effects. I would seek some professional advice about this and i hope you get the help you need.

    Let us know how you are getting on.

    Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Dear Meg and Sal,

    Thank you so much for your advice. I went othe doctor today and quite literally had to yell at her to give me a prescription. After much discussion she agreed that I would have to go off the drugs slowly.. so she has given me a prescription on Buspar and Xanax for two weeks... which she thinks is sufficient time to go off the drugs.... I'm not too sure about it, but I think I will just have to pull my socks up and start taking things at hand.
    I actually really wnat to stop the medication, but feel that CEB therapy would be very very useful whilst doing this. I will place a notice up on the site asking whether people can refer me to a CEB therapist in London (if anyone knows of a good one)! I have a private medical insurance.. so that might help....

    BUt thank you both. I will keep you updated with how the drug reduction process is going... i'm sure it will be difficult.. but I am equally as sure that this forum is here to help me when i'm down!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Great news Astrid. Let's hope it will be enough to help you off them.

    Sorry but what is CEB?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Astrid

    So pleased you went to see your doctor again and got a prescription for 2 weeks. It will be hard coming of the tablets but 14 days is a lot more than 4 days.

    Be positive through out hon and try to focus on anything rather than the withdrawal symptoms. I have been there and ever thing revolves round coming of meds where really we know it is everyday problems that everyone has.

    Best of luck, just take your time and let us know how you are getting on.

    Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello everybody!

    Thank you so much for all your support. It's true that my whole life is evolved around going off these medications. But I have put a positive perspective on it and am actually feeling ok. I also got the flu a couple of days agao, which was NOT good since I really thought I was dying ! So, of course I went to the doctor to make sure that I wasn't and she confirme dthat I had a small flu and that my chets hurt because of that. It was really good that she explaine dto my how my chest works, why i feel tight due to the cold, etc. Very helpful.
    I made a typo mistake on my last e-mail. What I meant to say is CBT -cognitive behavioural therapy. Everybodyis speaking to me about it and I would love to see someone about it. Problem is that through the NHS the waiting period is something like a year and through my private medical insurance, I can choose one.. but the list is endless and quite haunting that I just give up! If anyone knows of a good CB therapist in London I would be overjoyed.
    I will all keep you updated with my medication issue.. but it seems to be going ok up to now. Thank you all!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Twister (Emily )has been seeing a very well known CBT chap in London with her private cover. PM her to get the details.

    Well done with the meds coming down.


    You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    The guy that Em sees does a lot of work for No Panic and there are a lot of articles on my website that he wrote, so I think he knows what he is talking about it.

    You may be lucky enough to get him.


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