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Thread: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    I have Crohn's so have a colonoscopy every 2 years. I also have diverticular and IBS.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Quote Originally Posted by jojo2316 View Post
    In my experience that is how pipes work. No blood for ages then something ruptures, lots of boood, which slowly tails off over the next several days.....

    ---------- Post added at 14:40 ---------- Previous post was at 14:39 ----------

    Also WHENEVER I worry about my bowels I ALWAYS go more often.
    Thank you Jojo - I know you’re right. I’ve been better during the day, just a bit gassy but nothing major.

    ---------- Post added at 19:48 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by nomorepanic View Post
    I have Crohn's so have a colonoscopy every 2 years. I also have diverticular and IBS.
    Hi Nicola, I remember reading about your ailments in the past. This time last year I was too scared of a colonoscopy but now I think I might ask for one. At the very least a referral to a gastroenterologist as my stomach is so sensitive to certain foods. I was told I had IbS in my 20s but never really done any allergy / intolerance or allergy testing.

    Thank you for your time by the way. I’m calmer this evening. Xx

  3. #13
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Glad you are calmer and let us know how it all goes.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  4. #14
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    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Quote Originally Posted by nomorepanic View Post
    Glad you are calmer and let us know how it all goes.
    Thank you.

    So little update: I went again last night before going to bed (not lots and a little loose). Slept very well (I was exhausted) and this morning went within 10 minutes of waking up, again not a lot and a bit liquid. I feel like my stomach is mildly upset, it’s a bit gurgly and uncomfortable and then I go and it’s fine.

    Unfortunately irrational thinking is back and I’m attributing it all to BC symptoms. (Change in bowel habit with more frequent loose motions). There was also noticeable blood this morning although hard to analyse as I used an anusol suppository last night so most of it was cream...

    I’m going to work now. Hopefully things settle

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Anxiety about bowel cancer = loose bowel movements. Fact!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Quote Originally Posted by jojo2316 View Post
    Anxiety about bowel cancer = loose bowel movements. Fact!
    I so hope you're right Jojo.

    I can't handle this at the moment.

    I know that realistically I am (and have been for the past month or so if I'm totally honest) quite stressed, firstly with daily life in general and now with anxiety and I know it all doesn't help. Then add to that my sensitive belly being a bit messed up with bad eating over the holidays and some kind of weird reaction to the pizza the other night...

    Thank you for your time, it really helps, going to the doctor's in an hour and a half.

    Incidentally one of my friends who has had A LOT of blood with internal piles told me that her doctor never worried about her symptoms and didn't even send for a colonoscopy. This makes me feel a little better as it's the thing that worries me the most but I suppose that together with my colicky tummy and increased bowel movements are slightly more concerning...

    Sorry, just thinking out loud...

    ---------- Post added at 16:08 ---------- Previous post was at 13:10 ----------

    Ok just got back from the doctors.

    She said she thought it was most likely a form of colitis but said no problem referring me for a colonoscopy.

    She also mentioned that lots of people have had bad reactions to that pizza place.

    She has also recommended I do a course of probiotics.

    I’m happy that I’m doing the colonoscopy to rule out issues and hopefully remove my anxiety. Then obviously there’s the part of me that is petrified of there being something nasty and incurable there.

    I know she was only being helpful but it spiked my anxiety a bit when she told me a guy of 43 had colon cancer.

    Deep breaths...

  7. #17
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    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    More updates and apologies in advance for the tmi.....

    So I’ve been feeling calmer in some moments then panic at others. I I’ve still been going more than usual and feeling like I have “to do more..” also an uncomfortable feeling just under my ribs, like it’s “stretched” (I remember feeling this when I was pregnant late stages (makes sense cos my belly was so big but now...?

    Also to try and get rid of the “need to do more” feeling, I decided to do a glycerin laxative and... well (sorry) I went and the product was a very healthy looking thing (size, shape and colour) there was a stripe of blood on the side but I think that makes sense with the piles right? (Would a polyp or worse do that??)

    Also would I be having a normal looking bm if there was something nasty there?

    I sound mental, I know :(

    I’ve also booked the colonoscopy, I was going to private but it’s very expensive so on the health service I got an appointment for November...

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Do you think you would be waiting until November for your scope if BC was suspected?

    I know you have a load of questions, Samina, but none of us can answer them. However it's 2 whole months until no urgency.

  9. #19
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    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    I really think the overwhelming odds are in your favour. A polyp is possible, I suppose, but piles is MUCH more likely. I’ve had rectal bleeding and a change in bowel habits and had a colonoscopy as a result. I was utterly terrified but all turned out ok (well my bowel was fine, my stupid HA remained!!). Incidentally my mum (age 70) had a large amount of blood in her stool and didn’t think to mention it to anyone for THREE YEARS (and my dad is a retired surgeon who specialised in bowel cancer). It wasn’t that she was burying her head in the sand out of fear, she just thought benign causes more likely and why bother? (I was utterly HORRIFIED when I found out - what different creatures she and I are!!) Anyway she eventually had her colonoscopy and a simple polyp was removed. So you see, even in high risk age groups like my mum’s, benign causes really ARE more likely.

  10. #20
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    Re: Old issue new symptom - petrified about very bloody stool

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Do you think you would be waiting until November for your scope if BC was suspected?

    I know you have a load of questions, Samina, but none of us can answer them. However it's 2 whole months until no urgency.
    Hi Pulisa and thanks for your reply.
    I know what you’re saying makes rational sense and at times I’m calm and can think rationally.

    Then at other times the HA kicks in and skews everything rational and I’m at worst case scenario again :(

    You’re right, 2 months is a long time but hopefully my bowels settle down in that time and as a consequence, the HA.

    ---------- Post added at 06:30 ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by jojo2316 View Post
    I really think the overwhelming odds are in your favour. A polyp is possible, I suppose, but piles is MUCH more likely. I’ve had rectal bleeding and a change in bowel habits and had a colonoscopy as a result. I was utterly terrified but all turned out ok (well my bowel was fine, my stupid HA remained!!). Incidentally my mum (age 70) had a large amount of blood in her stool and didn’t think to mention it to anyone for THREE YEARS (and my dad is a retired surgeon who specialised in bowel cancer). It wasn’t that she was burying her head in the sand out of fear, she just thought benign causes more likely and why bother? (I was utterly HORRIFIED when I found out - what different creatures she and I are!!) Anyway she eventually had her colonoscopy and a simple polyp was removed. So you see, even in high risk age groups like my mum’s, benign causes really ARE more likely.
    Thanks Jojo.

    It’s funny you should say that about your mum as I was talking to my dad yesterday (74 years old, chronic pipes for years with lots of bleeding) he’s always set me straight when I’ve had panic attacks about blood in the past saying his bled loads. And I asked him what the doctor said. And he said he’d only ever been to the gp - who was never concerned (!) and never even performed so much as a digital exam let alone send him off for further testing!!!


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